Description of the larva of Trineuragrion percostale Ris (Odonata: Megapodagrionidae) with a key to the larvae of New Caledonian genera of Megapodagrionidae

The larva of Trineuragrion percostale is described and illustrated based on an exuvia collected with the teneral female. Four more exuviae sampled without imagines are added for comparison and discussion of morphological variations. This is the first time the larva has been associated with the correct species, although the larval description was given earlier. Lieftinck

Two new species of Metaleptobasis from Central Ecuador (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

Two new species of Metaleptobasis from Ecuador are described and illustrated. Metaleptobasis gibbosa (holotype ♂, allotype \female: Ecuador, Pastaza Province, forest wetlands, Los Copales, between Mera and Shell, 01° 29′ 30′′ S, 078° 04′ 19′′ W, elevation 1070 m, 20–22 September 2005, leg. K. J. Tennessen; deposited in Florida State Collection of Arthropods) appears related…

Dragons fly, biologists classify: an overview of molecular odonate studies, and our evolutionary understanding of dragonfly and damselfly (Insecta: Odonata) behavior

Among insects, perhaps the most appreciated are those that are esthetically pleasing: few capture the interest of the public as much as vibrantly colored dragonflies and damselflies (Insecta: Odonata). These remarkable insects are also extensively studied. Here, we review the history of odonate systematics, with an emphasis on discrepancies among studies. Over the past century,…

Rediscovery of Mesagrion leucorrhinum (Zygoptera: Megapodagrionidae): a “formal” description of female and ultimate stadium of larva with notes on habits

Adult female and ultimate stadium larva of Mesagrion leucorrhinum are formally described and illustrated based on material from three locations in Antioquia, Meta and Cundinamarca Departments, Colombia. The species is sexually dimorphic. The ♀ is distinguishable from other related genera by a pair of notches in the prothoracic anterior lobe and shares with Heteropodagrion and…

The larva of Mecistogaster amalia (Odonata: Pseudostigmatidae)

The final larval stadium of Mecistogaster amalia is described and illustrated for the first time based on one female collected in a tree hole in Misiones province, Argentina, and compared with all known larvae of related genera. Larval morphology of Pseudostigmatidae is briefly discussed.

The life history of a temperate zone dragonfly living at the edge of its range with comments on the colonization of high latitudes by Neotropical genera of Zygoptera (Odonata)

Of the many Zygopteran genera that occur in the Neotropics, only five (Hetaerina, Archilestes, Lestes, Argia, and Ischnura) are represented north of 40°N in North America, and only three of these (Hetaerina, Archilestes, and Argia) probably had a tropical origin. In the two genera of Lestidae (Archilestes and Lestes) the life history of temperate-zone populations…

Taxonomy, behaviour, and habitat of Mesopodagrion and Sinocnemis. Notes on Old World Megapodagrionidae 3 (Odonata)

Published records of Mesopodagrion are reviewed and the distributions of M. tibetanum and M. yachowensis are given. Sinocnemis henanese is considered a junior synonym of S. yangbingi. Based on morphological and behavioural characters Sinocnemis is removed from Platycnemididae and placed in Megapodagrionidae. Species of Sinocnemis show a general resemblance to species of Mesopodagrion but it…