The larva of Mecistogaster amalia (Odonata: Pseudostigmatidae)

The larva of Mecistogaster amalia (Odonata: Pseudostigmatidae) 00

Javier Muzóna, Soledad Weigel Muñoza, Raúl Ernesto Camposa

  1. Instituto de Limnología “Dr. R.A. Ringuelet”, (CONICET – CCT La Plata), La Plata, Argentina

International Journal of Odonatology, Volume 13, Issue 1, Pages 137-144, 2010

Published: 1 April 2010 (Received: 4 June 2009, Accepted: 9 September 2009)

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The final larval stadium of Mecistogaster amalia is described and illustrated for the first time based on one female collected in a tree hole in Misiones province, Argentina, and compared with all known larvae of related genera. Larval morphology of Pseudostigmatidae is briefly discussed.

Keywords: Odonata, dragonfly, Mecistogaster amalia, Pseudostigmatidae, larva, phytotelmata.

Issue section: Article