Aeshna (Hesperaeschna) condor sp. nov. from the Venezuelan Andes, with a redescription of A. (H.) joannisi, comments on other species, and descriptions of larvae (Odonata: Aeshnidae)

Aeshna (Hesperaeschna) condor sp. nov. is described and illustrated from four males and six exuviae. The adult color pattern does not resemble that of any other Venezuelan species, but structurally the new species comes closest to A. (H.) punctata and A. (H.) joannisi. This latter is here recorded for the first time from Venezuela, and…

Repeated predation of Odonata by the hornet Vespa crabro (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)

Predation of aggregated, ovipositing tandems of Sympetrum sanguineum and S. vulgatum by the hornet Vespa crabro was observed in Belarus. The same species of hornet was seen killing territorial males and copulating females of Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis in Italy. Numerous remains of these odonates at the oviposition sites suggest that attacks occur frequently. A short review…

Interspecific encounters between male aeschnids do they have a function?

Male aeshnid dragonflies at a small pond (circumference ca 90 m) in Cambridgeshire U.K. generally pursued males of other aeshnid species as well as their own. As a result of these encounters the pursued insect frequently left the pond, particularly when it belonged to a smaller species. Libellulids, which differed greatly from the aeshnids in…

Additions to the knowledge of Sympetrum sinaiticum, Dumont (Odonata: Libellulidae)

New information shows that S. sinaiticum, is not divided into subspecies, as hitherto supposed. The subspecific name tarraconense, Jödicke, 1994 must be regarded as a junior synonym of sinaiticum., In contrast, the name arenicolor, Jödicke, 1994 denotes a taxon at full species rank, characterized by its larval and ligula morphology. This species is taxonomically identical…

The Odonata of Tunisia

Between 1987 and 1999 several visits to 69 localities in Tunisia were made. Altogether 46 species of Odonata, including 10 new to Tunisia, were recorded, raising the Tunisian checklist to 52 species. Our observations cover early May to mid June and late September to early November. Using as a basis for inference data from nearby…

The larva of Leucorrhinia patricia Walker (Odonata: Libellulidae)

The final-stadium larva of Leucorrhinia patricia Walker is described from six exuviae with associated teneral adults collected in northern British Columbia. L. patricia belongs to the group of nearctic Leucorrhinia that has larvae with three ventral stripes. The larvae are very similar to those L. hudsonica (Sélys) larvae that are small and lack dorsal spines….