Information for Authors

Information for Authors International Journal of Odonatology, Volume 9, Issue 2, Page 255, 2006 1 October 2006 Full text PDF Copyright information Issue section: Miscellany

Reciprocal predation involving Odonata, Asilidae and Saltatoria

A singular observation of an adult Tettigonia viridissima (Tettigoniidae) that captured a female Eutolmus rufibarbis (Asilidae) sucking a male Lestes sponsa (Lestidae) is reported. The reciprocal predation of Odonata, Asilidae, and Saltatoria (Ensifera, Caelifera) hitherto recorded in Europe is compiled and augmented by unpublished data on asilids as predators of odonates. Heavy predation by robber-flies…

Neurobasis awamena sp. nov. from New Guinea, with a discussion of the Sulawesi and Papuan species in the genus (Odonata: Calopterygidae)

Neurobasis awamena, a new calopterygid species from the southern highlands of New Guinea (holotype: Pimaga area, 6°30′S, 143°30′E, 27 vii 1994, deposited at Naturalis, Leiden) is described and figured. It is distinguished from the widespread N. australis by its longer legs, irregular teeth on the male cerci, and the sharp demarcation of the iridescent color…

Reproductive behaviour of Neurobasis kaupi (Odonata: Calopterygidae)

The reproductive behaviour of Neurobasis kaupi was studied for the first time in Central and South Sulawesi. The species was recorded in a wide variety of clear and fast flowing creeks, streams and rivers, mostly in forested areas. The males were territorial and defended potential oviposition sites, a limited resource. Territory owners demonstrated their presence…