Odonata from the Republic of Mongolia and from the Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia

Thirty-five dragonfly species are reported from Mongolia and Inner Mongolia. Three are first records. A non-parametric test is used to determine the total number of species to be expected. It suggests that the current number of 62 may be asymptotically complete, except for some specific zones like the Bulgan valley in the south-west, and the…

Repeated predation of Odonata by the hornet Vespa crabro (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)

Predation of aggregated, ovipositing tandems of Sympetrum sanguineum and S. vulgatum by the hornet Vespa crabro was observed in Belarus. The same species of hornet was seen killing territorial males and copulating females of Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis in Italy. Numerous remains of these odonates at the oviposition sites suggest that attacks occur frequently. A short review…