Description of the larva of Trineuragrion percostale Ris (Odonata: Megapodagrionidae) with a key to the larvae of New Caledonian genera of Megapodagrionidae

The larva of Trineuragrion percostale is described and illustrated based on an exuvia collected with the teneral female. Four more exuviae sampled without imagines are added for comparison and discussion of morphological variations. This is the first time the larva has been associated with the correct species, although the larval description was given earlier. Lieftinck

Review of the “metallic group” of species of Argia Rambur known from Venezuela, with description of the larva of Argia jocosa Hagen in Selys, 1865 (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

In Venezuela, the “metallic group” includes three species: Argia cupraurea Calvert, Argia jocosa Hagen in Selys, and Argia orichalcea Hagen in Selys. These are here diagnosed and illustrated, and their distribution in Venezuela is mapped. The larva of A. jocosa differs from the few other known larvae of the group in details of the prementum,…

The levis group of Orthemis revisited: a synopsis including a synonymy and description of six new species of Orthemis from South America (Odonata: Libellulidae)

The levis and ferruginea groups of Orthemis are redefined. Six new species of Orthemis are described: O. aciculata sp. nov. (♂ holotype: Surinam, Para Dist., road near forest, Zanderij I (5°32′ N, 55°10′ W), 17 January 1957, leg. J. Belle [RMNH]), O. celata sp. nov. (♂ holotype: Brazil, Pará State, Rio Gurupí, Canindé (0°30′57′ ′…

Description of the larva of Argia percellulata (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

The larva of Argia percellulata is described and figured. It falls into the group of Argia larvae with a very prominent ligula and one palpal seta, but differs from its closest relatives by having tibiae usually with two well-defined dark rings, posterior margin of sternite 6 smooth, and posterior margin of sternite 7 smooth medially…