Odonata from the Republic of Mongolia and from the Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia

Thirty-five dragonfly species are reported from Mongolia and Inner Mongolia. Three are first records. A non-parametric test is used to determine the total number of species to be expected. It suggests that the current number of 62 may be asymptotically complete, except for some specific zones like the Bulgan valley in the south-west, and the…

Lamproneura lucerna gen. nov., sp. nov. from Venezuela, and Cyanallagma ferenigrum sp. nov., a remarkable new species from Brazil (Odonata: Protoneuridae, Coenagrionidae)

Lamproneura lucerna gen. nov., sp. nov. (Protoneuridae) is described from a male from the Turimiquire mountains, in northeastern Venezuela. Penis morphology places the new genus close to Forcepsioneura, Psaironeura and Roppaneura., The first Venezuelan record of the genus Phasmoneura is presented. Cyanallagma ferenigrum sp. nov. (Coenagrionidae) is described from a male and a female from…

Population dynamics of Mortonagrion hirosei (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

The mark-and-recapture method was used to study the population dynamics of the endangered brackish water species, Mortonagrion hirosei, in a small reed community of an estuary in the warm-temperate zone of Japan. The flying season was from late May to early August. The age structure showed that newly emerged adults always stayed in the reed…

The Odonata of Pohnpei, Eastern Caroline Islands, Micronesia

A collection of 448 Odonata specimens made on Pohnpei, Caroline Islands, Micronesia, in 2001–2002 allows a reassessment of the fauna of this small, isolated island. There are 15 species, including six species of the zygopteran genus Teinobasis, which apparently speciated in situ, an unusually great diversity for such a small island. One of these species…

Fooled by the double: Brachythemis liberiensis is Parazyxomma flavicans, with a note on the Zyxommatini (Odonata: Libellulidae)

A comparison of the description of Brachythemis liberiensis with material of B. leucosticta and Parazyxomma flavicans has shown that B. liberiensis is a synonym of P. flavicans. B. liberiensis should be removed from the list of threatened African Odonata. The relationships between the genus Brachythemis and the Zyxommatini are briefly discussed. Further arguments for a…

Identity and distribution of the little known Aeshna meruensis (Odonata: Aeshnidae)

Status and records of Aeshna meruensis are published for the first time. This species has been confused with A. rileyi for a long time, although A.R. Waterston separated and labelled specimens of both species in the collection of the Natural History Museum, London, as early as 1974. A. meruensis is known from seven localities in…