Neurobasis awamena sp. nov. from New Guinea, with a discussion of the Sulawesi and Papuan species in the genus (Odonata: Calopterygidae)

Neurobasis awamena, a new calopterygid species from the southern highlands of New Guinea (holotype: Pimaga area, 6°30′S, 143°30′E, 27 vii 1994, deposited at Naturalis, Leiden) is described and figured. It is distinguished from the widespread N. australis by its longer legs, irregular teeth on the male cerci, and the sharp demarcation of the iridescent color…

Reproductive behaviour of Neurobasis kaupi (Odonata: Calopterygidae)

The reproductive behaviour of Neurobasis kaupi was studied for the first time in Central and South Sulawesi. The species was recorded in a wide variety of clear and fast flowing creeks, streams and rivers, mostly in forested areas. The males were territorial and defended potential oviposition sites, a limited resource. Territory owners demonstrated their presence…

A critical checklist of the Odonata of Portugal

The Odonata checklist of continental Portugal, Madeira and the Azores includes 65 species. Besides Sympetrum nigrifemur, an endemic of Madeira and the Canary Islands, and the unique population of the Nearctic Ischnura hastata in the Azores, the species composition reflects a higher proportion of western Mediterranean and Ethiopian elements than any other European country. An…

Openwing perching in some Zygoptera (Odonata): a response to Klaus Reinhardt

Herein I respond to a critique of my paper on wing positions in Zygoptera. The author of that critique suggested that most of the hypotheses presented in that paper were flawed and questioned some of the facts brought to bear on them. In addition, he presented his own ideas in support of hypotheses I had…

Using distance sampling to quantify Odonata density in tropical rainforests

Quantitative data are essential for many aspects of ecological research. Several methods exist to quantify odonate abundance, but complications may arise when abundances in different habitats need to be compared. In this study, I explored a technique that can overcome the variable detectability of odonates in habitats with different visibility. Distance sampling is briefly introduced…