Two new species of Argiolestes from Papua New Guinea (Odonata: Megapodagrionidae)

Two new species of the New Guinean megapodagrionid genus Argiolestes are described: A. tuberculiferus (holotype ♂ Papua New Guinea, Simbu Province, 6°43′S, 145°05′E; 900 m, 14 xii 2003) and A. verrucatus (holotype ♂ Papua New Guinea, Sandaun Province, 4°48′S, 141°39′E; 1,700-2,100 m, 08 ix 2004). We further provide additional descriptions and ecological data of new…

Relict occurrence of East Palaearctic dragonflies in northern European Russia, with first records of Coenagrion glaciale in Europe (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

The East Palaearctic Coenagrion glaciale and C. hylas are characterized by a current disjunct distribution. New data from northern European Russia significantly modify the earlier known pattern of their distribution. The first European records of C. glaciale and a new record of C. hylas west of the Urals are reported from the environs of Pinega…

Population structure of Polythore procera at a Colombian stream (Odonata: Polythoridae)

We studied a population of Polythore procera along a stream in the Colombian eastern Andean foothills. Mark and recapture samples were made during January to April 2006, covering both dry and wet seasons. We determined population size, daily survival probability, and longevity during the entire period and compared them with precipitation data. Age and sex…

Odonata biodiversity of the Argentine Chaco biome

Odonates of small temporary pools, marshes, large permanent ponds, oxbow lakes, dams, and perennial rivers were sampled in the semiarid Chaco biome of NW Argentina between September 2007 and December 2008. Information from 35 localities yielded 60 species; presence/absence information of species was recorded in a spatial-relational database. Alpha, beta, and gamma diversity and total…

Parthenogenetic Ischnura hastata revisited: present status and notes on population ecology and behaviour (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

Populations of Ischnura hastata found in the Azores archipelago represent the only known example of parthenogenesis in the order Odonata. In this paper, we present results from fieldwork done on the islands of São Miguel, Pico, Santa Maria, and Graciosa, aimed at characterizing population ecology and habitat preferences of this species. Sampling of several ponds…

Seasonal ecology of Algerian Lestidae (Odonata)

When comparing the phenology of species within the family Lestidae in Numidia, northeastern Algeria, we found that: (1) four of five species—Lestes barbarus, L. numidicus, L. viridis, and Sympecma fusca—feature a prolonged pre-reproductive period approaching five (Lestes spp.) or eight months (S. fusca); (2) adults of L. numidicus, and probably of S. fusca, move to…

Five new species of Orthemis from South America (Odonata: Libellulidae)

Five new species of the levis-group of Orthemis, O. cinnamomea (holotype ♂ in USNM: Peru, Madre de Dios Department, Explorer’s Inn on Río Tambopata, 12°50′S, 69°17′W, 300 m, 23 vii 2002, leg. D. Paulson & N. Smith), O. coracina (holotype ♂ in USNM: Ecuador, Sucumbios Province, Limoncocha, 00°24′S, 76°36′W, 300 m, 23 vii 1977, leg.