Dragonfly (Odonata) community structure in the Eastern Highlands Biodiversity Hotspot of Zimbabwe: potential threats of land use changes on freshwater invertebrates

We examined the diversity and potential drivers of dragonfly distribution in a biodiversity hotspot of Southern Africa (Eastern Highlands, Zimbabwe) by surveying 30 sites (13 lentic and 17 lotic habitats) located within this region. Additionally, we identified the anthropogenic factors that may threaten Odonata diversity and abundance. Our results revealed that 27 odonate species are…

Genetic consequences of range expansions along several fronts in Crocothemis erythraea

Global warming has altered the ranges of many species, especially those of insects and other ectotherms that are particularly susceptible to rising temperatures. Four decades ago, the dragonfly Crocothemis erythraea began to demonstrate northern range expansion in Germany, as well as in Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland and the UK. The rapid range expansion of C….

The Odonata of Numidia, Northeaster Algeria Part II Seasonal ecology

This paper, a companion to Part I which treated status and distribution of Numidian Odonata, summarizes current knowledge of their seasonal ecology and identifies areas where promising research avenues exist. Annual patterns of adult occurrence and reproductive activity are used to infer life cycles, with particular reference to strategies that enable species to bridge the…