Differential larval responses of two ecologically similar insects (Odonata) to temperature and resource variation

How species respond to shifting environmental conditions is a central question in ecology, especially because ecosystems are experiencing rapidly changing climatic conditions. However, predicting the responses of species interactions and community composition to changing conditions is often difficult. We examined the effects of rearing temperature and resource level on larval survival of two ecologically similar…

Two new genera and nine new species of damselflies from a localized area in Minas Gerais, Brazil (Odonata: Zygoptera)

Two new genera, Franciscobasis and Franciscagrion, and seven new species, i.e. Acanthagrion franciscoi, Franciscobasis franciscoi, Franciscobasis sonia, Franciscagrion franciscoi, Franciscagrion longispinum, Minagrion franciscoi and Oxyagrion franciscoi, are described and illustrated. In addition, two new species of Peristicta are reported and will be described elsewhere. All these species have been collected along a 600 m stretch of…

Preliminary list of Odonata from the Colombian Amazon, with descriptions of Inpabasis nigridorsum sp. nov. & Diaphlebia richteri sp. nov. (Coenagrionidae & Gomphidae)

The Colombian Amazon is one of the most biodiverse and unexplored regions in the world. Inventories and deeper research are needed for most of its biota, including for dragonflies. This work reports the results of a trip to the Amazon region in order to collect Odonata. It includes revision of CBUCES, CEUA and ICN entomological…

Lifetime egg production of captive libellulids (Odonata)

The estimation of lifetime egg production (LEP) is a central question in ecology, since the number of eggs produced determines the potential size of the following generation. In this study, I tried to obtain a rough estimation of the LEPs in libellulids in outdoor cages. The main questions were: (1) does hand feeding influence females’…

Reported ovo-viviparity in Heliocypha perforata (Odonata: Chlorocyphidae) – reassessment of the evidence, based partly on examination of the female reproductive system and mature eggs

Heliocypha perforata (sensu lato) is a common stream-dwelling damselfly widespread in mainland tropical Asia. Recently a report has been published suggesting possible ovo-viviparity in this species, based on the interpretation of evidence from a short video sequence. This video is re-evaluated. The internal and external anatomy of the H. perforata female reproductive system, including mature…

Onychargia priydak sp. nov. (Odonata, Platycnemididae) from eastern Cambodia

Onychargia priydak sp. nov. is described from eastern Cambodia. The new species co-occurs with the widespread Onychargia atrocyana Selys, 1865 in the same region. Its males differ from those of O. atrocyana by a larger paraprocts, which are longer than the cerci, and a bright white pruinescence on thorax, femora and the two first abdominal segments….