Lamproneura lucerna gen. nov., sp. nov. from Venezuela, and Cyanallagma ferenigrum sp. nov., a remarkable new species from Brazil (Odonata: Protoneuridae, Coenagrionidae)

Lamproneura lucerna gen. nov., sp. nov. (Protoneuridae) is described from a male from the Turimiquire mountains, in northeastern Venezuela. Penis morphology places the new genus close to Forcepsioneura, Psaironeura and Roppaneura., The first Venezuelan record of the genus Phasmoneura is presented. Cyanallagma ferenigrum sp. nov. (Coenagrionidae) is described from a male and a female from…

Tandem grip mechanics and tandem linkage shifting in Odonata – reconstruction of evolution and phylogenetic significance

The functional morphology of the male caudal clasping apparatus of Zygoptera is compared to that of Epiophlebia superstes (Anisozygoptera) and Anisoptera. Hypotheses concerning the mechanics and muscle functions have been advanced by parallel construction of mechanical working models. The evolution of the clasping apparatus and the tandem linkage shifting – from the female pronotum to…

Stadia and growth ratios of Odonata: a review

A terminology is presented for structures and events in larval development of Odonata with the aim of bringing terms into conformity with those used for other insect orders in the light of accepted views of homology. The terms ‘exuvia’, ‘larva’, ‘prolarva’ and ‘stadium’ receive special mention. Records of the number of stadia required to complete…

Additions to the knowledge of Sympetrum sinaiticum, Dumont (Odonata: Libellulidae)

New information shows that S. sinaiticum, is not divided into subspecies, as hitherto supposed. The subspecific name tarraconense, Jödicke, 1994 must be regarded as a junior synonym of sinaiticum., In contrast, the name arenicolor, Jödicke, 1994 denotes a taxon at full species rank, characterized by its larval and ligula morphology. This species is taxonomically identical…

Voltinism of Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis, (Vander Linden) in the Sierra Morena Mountains, Southern Spain (Zygoptera: Calopterygidae): A preliminary study

Small sweep-net samples of larvae of Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis, obtained during five consecutive years from a permanent stream in the Sierra Morena Mountains, southern Spain, were combined according to month to infer the voltinism during the study period. Detailed records of head width, wing-sheath length and metamorphosis status for individual larvae are consistent with the population…