Orthetrum julia falsum Longfield 1955, new to the dragonfly fauna of Yemen and the Arabian Penunsula (Anisoptera: Libellulidae)

Orthetrum julia (Kirby 1900), subspecies falsum Longfield 1955, is reported for the first time from Yemen and the Arabian Peninsula (1 male, Wadi al-Ahjar, 15°27’53″N 43°52’32″E). The specimen is described and compared with specimens from Africa; taxonomically relevant structures are figured. The total number of species known from Yemen is raised to 37, from the…

A brief review of Odonata in mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber

Odonatans are rare as amber inclusions, but quite diverse in Cretaceous Burmese amber. In the past two years, over 20 new species have been found by the present authors after studying over 250 odonatans from 300,000 amber inclusions. Most of them have now been published, and here we provide a brief review. Three suborders of…

Morphological re-examination of Epiophlebia laidlawi (Insecta: Odonata) including remarks on taxonomy

Epiophlebia is the only known taxon of Odonata that is neither part of the damselflies (Zygoptera) nor dragonflies (Anisoptera). Previously, two species of Epiophlebia were recognized, restricted to areas in Japan (Epiophlebia superstes) and the Himalayas (Epiophlebia laidlawi). Recently, the group gained attention with the description of new species from China – Epiophlebia sinensis and Epiophlebia…

Onychargia priydak sp. nov. (Odonata, Platycnemididae) from eastern Cambodia

Onychargia priydak sp. nov. is described from eastern Cambodia. The new species co-occurs with the widespread Onychargia atrocyana Selys, 1865 in the same region. Its males differ from those of O. atrocyana by a larger paraprocts, which are longer than the cerci, and a bright white pruinescence on thorax, femora and the two first abdominal segments….

An updated checklist of Lesser Antillean Odonata

An updated checklist of known Odonata occurring in the Lesser Antilles is presented along with distributional information island by island. Twelve species are removed from previous listings and 16 new records are added, bringing the total number of species to 46. Of the new records, three correspond to the descriptions of new species and one…