The Pseudagrion split: molecular phylogeny confirms the morphological and ecological dichotomy of Africa’s most diverse genus of Odonata (Coenagrionidae)

The continental African representatives of the genus Pseudagrion fall into two groups (A and B) based on their ecology and larval and adult morphology. While the B-group species are found in generally warmer habitats, which are more sunny, lentic or low-lying, the A-group representatives occur more in cooler habitats. We compared molecular genetic and ecological…

Neurobasis awamena sp. nov. from New Guinea, with a discussion of the Sulawesi and Papuan species in the genus (Odonata: Calopterygidae)

Neurobasis awamena, a new calopterygid species from the southern highlands of New Guinea (holotype: Pimaga area, 6°30′S, 143°30′E, 27 vii 1994, deposited at Naturalis, Leiden) is described and figured. It is distinguished from the widespread N. australis by its longer legs, irregular teeth on the male cerci, and the sharp demarcation of the iridescent color…

Openwing perching in some Zygoptera (Odonata): a response to Klaus Reinhardt

Herein I respond to a critique of my paper on wing positions in Zygoptera. The author of that critique suggested that most of the hypotheses presented in that paper were flawed and questioned some of the facts brought to bear on them. In addition, he presented his own ideas in support of hypotheses I had…

Pamita hannahdaltonae gen. nov., sp. nov. from Baltic amber (Odonata: Amphipterygida)

The first known amphipterygid-like zygopteran from amber is described. Although its provenance is not known with certainty, we feel confident in attributing it to the Baltic amber deposits of northern Europe. It thus represents the first Old World Tertiary amphipterygidan and substantially extends the known geographic range of the taxon. Based on current knowledge its…

The evolution and frequency of female color morphs in Holarctic Odonata: why are male-like females typically the minority?

We compiled data on the occurrence and frequency of distinct female variants among Holarctic Odonata and interpreted the data in light of harassment-based hypotheses. The major source of male confusion for male mimicry hypotheses is predicted to be signal similarity between andromorphs and male distractors; for the learned mate recognition hypothesis (LMR), it is predicted…

Seasonality of prey size selection in adult Sympetrum vicinum (Odonata: Libellulidae)

Sympetrum vicinum is a sit and wait predator, which takes off and pursues small flying insects during its long flying season (July to November). We investigated whether foraging individuals become less discriminating regarding prey size selection during the fall season because the changeable fall weather has an impact on the prey population. To investigate the…

A synopsis of the South American genus Gomphomacromia (Odonata: Gomphomacromiinae)

Gomphomacromia mexicana is shown to be a junior synonym of G. chilensis based on a comparison of the holotype male with the original description of G. chilensis and specimens identified as that species from Chile. Examination of a large series of specimens from central and southern Chile and Argentina identified both as G. paradoxa and…

The larva of Mecistogaster linearis, with notes on its abundance in lowland rainforest of Costa Rica (Odonata: Pseudostigmatidae)

The larva of Mecistogaster linearis is described and illustrated from specimens collected within or near the Río Dantas Wildlife Refuge at the north-western border of the Barbilla National Park on the Costa Rican Caribbean slope. Characters of F-0 larvae permit easy separation from Megaloprepus caerulatus, a species coexisting with M. linearis. Diagnostic characters include overall…