A preliminary study on female-limited colour polymorphism in Lestes sponsa

Female-limited colour polymorphisms are widespread in Odonata, usually showing an androchrome and one or more gynochromes. Androchromes have been hypothesized to function as male mimics with a consequent decrease of male harassment, although males may also learn to recognize the different female colour morphs. In the Eurasian damselfly Lestes sponsa, the occurrence of two female…

Pyrrhosoma and its relatives: a phylogenetic study (Odonata: Zygoptera)

The placement and relationships of the red-and-black zygopteran Pyrrhosoma, currently considered to be part of the Teinobasinae, has long been uncertain. DNA fragments (COI and ITS) reveal that Pyrrhosoma s.s. is restricted to the West Palaearctic, with two morphologically distinct name-bearing clades (nymphula, elisabethae), and with a morphologically indistinct third clade in the Middle Atlas,…

Archineura incarnata (Karsch, 1892) and Atrocalopteryx melli (Ris, 1912) in southern China (Odonata: Calopterygidae)

The calopterygines Archineura incarnata and Atrocalopteryx melli are subtropical habitat specialists, endemic to China, and sensitive to environmental change. We identified several sites with environmental deterioration from which the species seem to have disappeared; these species can be used as indicators of human disturbance. In this paper their distribution in China is mapped and information…

Odonata communities in retrodunal ponds: a comparison of sampling methods

Dragonflies are commonly used as indicators of environmental quality and different methods have been employed to monitor odonate assemblages, such as surveys of all adults, evaluations based on breeding adults, sampling of larvae and collection of exuviae. Results obtained with different sampling methods may not be interchangeable, as the different life stages (e.g. larvae, adults)…

Season and temperature dependent location of mating territories in Somatochlora flavomaculata in a heterogeneous environment (Odonata: Corduliidae)

In a heterogeneous environment, males of Somatochlora flavomaculata regularly occupy site-fixed locations away from water, adjacent to vertical landscape elements, and to a lesser extent, also at water, i.e. at oviposition sites. Territories both over land and over water are typically patrolled by continuous site-fixed flights. These places serve as rendezvous sites where copulation is…

Austroaeschna ingrid sp. nov. from Victoria, Australia (Odonata: Telephlebiidae)

Austroaeschna ingrid, a new telephlebiid from the Grampians in Victoria, Australia, is described (holotype: McKenzie Falls, 21-23 January 2008, to be deposited in Museum of Victoria, Melbourne). This species is most similar to A. Christine, A. multipunctata and A. obscura but may be distinguished by the length and slenderness of the male anal appendages, particularly…

The life history of a temperate zone dragonfly living at the edge of its range with comments on the colonization of high latitudes by Neotropical genera of Zygoptera (Odonata)

Of the many Zygopteran genera that occur in the Neotropics, only five (Hetaerina, Archilestes, Lestes, Argia, and Ischnura) are represented north of 40°N in North America, and only three of these (Hetaerina, Archilestes, and Argia) probably had a tropical origin. In the two genera of Lestidae (Archilestes and Lestes) the life history of temperate-zone populations…

The effects of environmental warming on Odonata: a review

Climate change brings with it unprecedented rates of increase in environmental temperature, which will have major consequences for the earth’s flora and fauna. The Odonata represent a taxon that has many strong links to this abiotic factor due to its tropical evolutionary history and adaptations to temperate climates. Temperature is known to affect odonate physiology…

The effects of wind speed, competition, and body size on perch height selection in a guild of Libellulidae species (Odonata)

For eleven species of sympatric libellulids, male mean mass was positively correlated with wing aspect ratio, wing loading, and mean perch height. We tested the hypotheses that perch height selection was governed by interspecific competition or biomechanical responses to increased wind speed at higher perches. Although larger odonates might prefer higher perches to offset their…