Critical species of Odonata in China

The state of knowledge of China’s Odonata is very much incomplete with many species awaiting description, especially from tropical and subtropical areas. A brief account is given of new odonate species described from China, including Taiwan, between 2000 and 2003. Information on identification guides, faunal lists and current studies, is provided. Species of Odonata, categorised…

Critical species of Odonata in Australia

The Australian Odonata fauna is reviewed. The state of the current taxonomy and ecology, studies on biodiversity, studies on larvae and the all identification keys are reported. The conservation status of the Australian odonates is evaluated and the endangered species identified. In addition the endemic species, species with unusual biology and species, not threatened yet,…

Cross-species amplification of microsatellite loci in some European zygopteran species (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

Microsatellites have been infrequently used for genetic analysis of odonate species. Here, we report four microsatellite loci that are polymorphic in Coenagrion mercuriale. Furthermore, we examine the success of cross-species amplification of a panel of 19 microsatellite loci that were developed from C. mercuriale in seven other European odonate species. PCR with microsatellite primers is…

Acanthagrion aepiolum sp. nov. from South America (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

The new species – holotype ♂, Bolivia, Department of Santa Cruz, Ñuflo de Chavez Prov., stream 11.8 km E of San Javier (16°17′S, 62°37′W), 16 November 1998, leg. K.J. Tennessen; deposited in El Museo de Historia Natural “Noel Kempff Mercado”, Santa Cruz, Bolivia – has been confused with Acanthagrion ascendens. Abdominal segment 10 in males…

Diel pattern of activity, mating, and flight behaviour in Onychogomphus uncatus (Odonata: Gomphidae)

The behaviour of Onychogomphus uncatus, including flight and mating activity, was studied at a fast-flowing irrigation canal. During the day, males perched in sections of the canal with a strong current and a turbulent water surface. During short flights, interactions with other con-specific and hetero-specific males occurred, particularly with Orthetrum coerulescens. Under conditions of high…

Underwater and epilithic oviposition by Australian Aeshnidae (Odonata)

In this article we report underwater oviposition and epilithic oviposition in Anisoptera. We observed Notoaeschna sagittata totally submerged ovipositing on bare rock in the fast current of a rapid. Dendroaeschna conspersa oviposited also underwater, but into wood submerged in very clear water.