Peristicta guarellae sp. nov. from Brazil (Odonata: Protoneuridae)

Peristicta guarellae sp. nov. (holotype: Brazil, Paraná State, Exc. 399/col. 3, stream in km 50 of Curitiba-Ponta Grossa route [BR 376], about 25°20′08″ S, 49°51′15″ W, 21 November 1971, N. D. Santos leg., deposited in the Collection of “Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro”, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) is described and illustrated. An

Checklist and updated distribution of Protoneuridae from Brazil

Protoneuridae are represented in the neotropics by 16 genera and 117 species, of which 64 species in 12 genera are known to occur in Brazil. Most of them are known only from the original descriptions or isolated records. During 2009 the Protoneuridae collection of MNRJ was revised; 2800 specimens were studied, belonging to 40 species…

The larva of Mecistogaster amalia (Odonata: Pseudostigmatidae)

The final larval stadium of Mecistogaster amalia is described and illustrated for the first time based on one female collected in a tree hole in Misiones province, Argentina, and compared with all known larvae of related genera. Larval morphology of Pseudostigmatidae is briefly discussed.

Odonata biodiversity of the Argentine Chaco biome

Odonates of small temporary pools, marshes, large permanent ponds, oxbow lakes, dams, and perennial rivers were sampled in the semiarid Chaco biome of NW Argentina between September 2007 and December 2008. Information from 35 localities yielded 60 species; presence/absence information of species was recorded in a spatial-relational database. Alpha, beta, and gamma diversity and total…

Five new species of Orthemis from South America (Odonata: Libellulidae)

Five new species of the levis-group of Orthemis, O. cinnamomea (holotype ♂ in USNM: Peru, Madre de Dios Department, Explorer’s Inn on Río Tambopata, 12°50′S, 69°17′W, 300 m, 23 vii 2002, leg. D. Paulson & N. Smith), O. coracina (holotype ♂ in USNM: Ecuador, Sucumbios Province, Limoncocha, 00°24′S, 76°36′W, 300 m, 23 vii 1977, leg.

Blues for the red Oxyagrion: a redefinition of the genera Acanthagrion and Oxyagrion (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

Examination of diagnostic features for all known species of Acanthagrion and Oxyagrion shows color pattern alone not to be a reliable diagnostic character. Both genera are redefined based on morphological characters, and some color pattern characters which further aid in their diagnoses. A preliminary phylogenetic analysis indicates both genera are monophyletic. They are distinguished from…