Description of a new Sinorogomphus from Northern Laos (Odonata: Chlorogomphidae)

Sinorogomphus hiten sp. nov. is described and illustrated from both sexes (holotype ♂: Laos, Oudomxay province [20°36′14″ N, 102°3′21″ E, 1075 m a.s.l.], deposited in the National Science Museum, Tokyo, Japan). This is also a first record of the genus from Laos. The new species is easily differentiated from the other congeners in the male…

Ovipositor morphology and egg laying behaviour in the dragonfly Lestes macrostigma (Zygoptera: Lestidae)

Lestes macrostigma is a stenotopic dragonfly species of Western Palaearctic distribution that has high conservation status almost throughout its range. It inhabits mainly brackish water with a typical plant species, sea club-rush Bolboschoenus maritimus. Due to the absence of special investigations, the nature of this insect–plant association is not clearly understood, but it was supposed…

Odonata of Tuva, Russia

The odonate fauna of Tuva in Siberia, Russia, is documented, based mainly on data from expeditions in 1990, 2000 and 2004, and examination of collections preserved in Novosibirsk. The checklist of Tuvinian Odonata presently includes 47 species. In the southern Ubsu-Nur depression 29 species were recorded (two just there); in the Central Tuvinian depression 34…

Characteristics of microsatellite loci in Odonata

Microsatellite loci have become the genetic markers of choice for population-level molecular ecological studies. However, microsatellite loci had been isolated for comparatively few species of odonate until the past five years. This review summarises the main characteristics – expected heterozygosity and microsatellite length – of 116 microsatellite loci that have been isolated from the genomes…

Oviposition site selection by Coenagrion mercuriale (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

The aim of the study was to determine oviposition site selection in the endangered damselfly Coenagrion mercuriale in its UK stronghold and to determine hatching success of eggs. This was achieved by watching the behaviour of marked pairs from the onset of copulation to the end of oviposition and recording the number and duration of…

Libellago corbeti sp. nov. from Sri Lanka (Odonata: Chlorocyphidae)

Libellago corbeti sp. nov. (holotype ♂: Sri Lanka, Ratnapura District, near Kudawe, 6.26°N, 80.25°E, 03 vii 2007, to be deposited in the Sri Lanka National Museum, Colombo) is described and figured. Its phenotype does not resemble that of any other Libellago species. Habitat characteristics and species behaviour are briefly outlined. Keys to males and females…

Habitat requirements of Orthetrum coerulescens and management of a secondary habitat in a highly man-modified landscape (Odonata: Libellulidae)

Due to the destruction of its primary habitats, the West Palaearctic libellulid Orthetrum coerulescens has suffered much decline in central Europe. However, at the regional scale it has survived in a variety of secondary habitat, such as draining ditches. In order to find adequate measures for its conservation and promotion, habitat use and habitat recognition…