Female color polymorphism of Ischnura capreolus Hagen, 1861 (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) with notes on behavior and ontogenetic color changes

Polymorphism in coenagrionids is widely known, mainly for Ischnura. Here, we present the case of I. capreolus, a Neotropical species of which, until now, little information concerning color polymorphism and ontogenetic color changes was known. We used a marking and recapture method to evidence ontogenetic coloration changes in females. We show that, in addition to…

Odonata community structure and patterns of land use in the Atewa Range Forest Reserve, Eastern Region (Ghana)

Recent studies have indicated that frequent anthropogenic disturbances in tropical developing countries are primary drivers of reduction in community diversity and local extinction of many arthropods, including dragonflies. We assessed the impact of anthropogenic disturbances on odonate assemblages across three different land use types, in a biodiverse nature reserve in Ghana. A total of 37…

Two new species of the family Philogeniidae (Odonata: Zygoptera) from the Western Colombian Andes

The family Philogeniidae was recently proposed as a monophyletic clade grouping the genera Philogenia and Archaeopodagrion. Here, two new species found during recent expeditions to the Western Colombian Andes are described, Archaeopodagrion fernandoi sp. nov. and Philogenia martae sp. nov. Also, Philogenia zeteki is recorded for the first time in Colombia. Natural history notes, a…

Ontogenetic colour changes and male polymorphism in Mnais andersoni (Odonata: Calopterygidae)

Colour-based traits are widespread in flying species due to the importance of visual perception in their communication. Ontogenetic colour changes and reversible physiological colours occur in some species and are used as communication signals to conspecifics. The genus Mnais (Zygoptera: Calopterygidae) shows both genetic colour polymorphism and age-related colour changes, making challenging even the identification…

A scientometric study of the order Odonata with special attention to Brazil

The insects of the order Odonata have an aquatic larval stage and land-dwelling adults. These insects play an important role in aquatic ecosystems and are excellent bioindicators. The present study was based on a scientometric analysis of the research available on the Odonata, which aimed to identify the principal trends and gaps in the database…