Commented checklist of the Odonata from Colombia

Colombian odonatological history was scarce until two decades ago. Here, we present an updated, thoroughly vetted, and refined checklist of taxonomic and geographical records of Colombian odonates, built upon the previous publication in 2011.

Development of Sympetrum striolatum and S. vulgatum (Odonata: Libellulidae) in brackish water

Sympetrum striolatum (Charpentier, 1840) and S. vulgatum (Linnaeus, 1758) are two closely related Libellulidae that are widespread and common in Central Europe. The idea for this research originates from normally using saltwater shrimps for rearing young larvae, the observations of Sympetrum species laying eggs in seawater and the suggested ability of S. striolatum to colonize brackish water habitats.

Effect of forest fires on a Mediterranean Odonata assemblage

Large-scale forest fires have shaped the Mediterranean landscape for millennia, causing a recurrent disturbance that constitutes a serious environmental issue. Following a devastating forest fire, changes in the Odonata larvae assemblage of a headwater stream were analysed during six consecutive years.

The life cycle of Orthemis ferruginea (Fabricius, 1775) (Odonata: Libellulidae)

The complete life cycle of O. ferruginea is described for the first time, represent the first complete life cycle described for an odonate in Mexico. The 17 larval instars obtained are described and illustrated in detail, from prolarva through F-0. Two egg batches of different females were obtained in the field and were subsequently reared in the laboratory.

Odonata drift: a reassessment

More than 400 scientific journal articles and gray literature reports that addressed macroinvertebrate drift were reviewed and 63 articles were found that reported on the natural drift of Odonata at some taxonomic level. Forty-three species and 44 genera within 15 families (nine Zygoptera; six Anisoptera) were documented in the drift. Drift of another 13 species…