Reproductive behavior of Erythrodiplax abjecta (Rambur, 1842) from Andean Mountains

Research about the behavior of Neotropical species is crucial to understand how the rapid environmental changes in the Neotropics affect the reproduction of various organisms. The reproductive behavior of insects in tropical ecosystems, such as those belonging to the order Odonata, is as yet scarcely known. In this article, the reproductive behavior of Erythrodiplax abjecta is described from several localities in the Colombian Andean Mountains.

Ecology of Mesamphiagrion laterale (Odonata: Coenagrionidae): abundance, reproduction and interactions with co-occurring species

The behavior of Mesamphiagrion laterale (Selys, 1876) is described based upon 2430 hours of observation. A total of 2820 individuals were observed for 270 days from 2014 to 2015 using mark-recapture. Probabilities of resight, highest reproductive activity, time-perch and time of perch-temperature were statistically analyzed. Mesamphiagrion laterale is not a territorial species, the individuals perch…

Reproductive behaviour of a North African endemic damselfly, Platycnemis subdilatata (Odonata: Platycnemididae) and probable senescence effects

Although the endemic damselfly, Platycnemis subdilatata Selys, 1849, is widespread in the Maghreb, many aspects of its reproductive behaviour, biology and ecology are still unstudied. One particular feature of this species is that its coloration pattern continues to change during maturation and afterwards, which makes it a good model for assessing age effects on behavioural…

Alternative oviposition tactics in Zygonyx torridus (Kirby) (Odonata: Libellulidae): modes and sequential flexibility

Zygonyx torridus inhabits waterfalls, rapids and riffle sections. Males patrol over these sites. After copulation the partners perform an extensive search while flying in tandem over a wide range. Behavioural studies in Mauritius 1997 and 2014 showed that there is considerable plasticity in oviposition behaviour. Three main modes could be distinguished: (A) egg-laying in tandem…

Melanic individuals in color polymorphic Enallagma damselflies result from phenotypic, not genetic, variation

Genetically determined color polymorphisms have a long history in the study of evolutionary change acting on populations. The Odonata exhibit relatively high levels of sex-specific color polymorphisms in mature adults. In Ischnura and Coenagrion, female-specific polymorphisms are known to be controlled by Mendelian genes. Nearly half of Enallagma species have polymorphic females, but the inheritance…

Behavior of the Amazonian damselfly Chalcopteryx scintillans McLachlan (Zygoptera: Polythoridae) and comments on its morphological distinction from C. rutilans (Rambur)

Polythorid damselflies are Neotropical stream dwellers, whose behavior has rarely been recorded. Here we describe the territorial and courtship behavior of Chalcopteryx scintillans McLachlan, an Amazonian damselfly with shiny copper-colored hind wings. Territorial behavior consists of aerial contests, when males engage in threat displays and mutual pursuits in ascending and rocking flights. During courtship, males…

Mate guarding and other aspects of reproductive behaviour in Petalura gigantea (Odonata: Petaluridae)

Territorial behaviour and mate guarding are important components of mating systems in various insect groups, including the Odonata. This paper reports observations of male territorial behaviour associated with potential ovipositing sites, and postcopulatory, non-contact mate guarding in Petalura gigantea. This is the first unambiguous and detailed report of mate guarding in the Petaluridae. Additional observations…