Oviposition site preference and egg parasitism in Sympecma paedisca (Odonata: Lestidae)

Oviposition of Sympecma paedisca was observed in eastern Kazakstan. The main oviposition substrates were living Phragmites leaves. In comparison with European and Japanese populations we propose geographic variation in the proportional use of horizontal versus vertical oviposition substrates. Ovipositing females seemed to avoid the inner parts of Phragmites stands and there was a preference for…

Analysing the European genera of family Lestidae (Odonata: Zygoptera) with special emphasis on the status of Chalcolestes based on the morphological characteristics of male adults

Lestidae is a heterogeneous family with more than 150 species worldwide. There are many debates concerning its resolution. One of them is whether the genus Chalcolestes should be recognized as a genus or considered as a synonym of Lestes. We compared male characteristics of eight Hungarian species of three genera (Lestes, Chalcolestes and Sympecma) of…

Generic revision of Argiolestidae (Odonata), with four new genera

The subfamily Argiolestinae is raised to family level to include all zygopteran genera in which the gills of the larvae are flat and held in a horizontal plane. A diagnosis of the family is given and characters for both adults and larvae are presented. The family is divided into two subfamilies based on characters in…

Seasonal ecology of Algerian Lestidae (Odonata)

When comparing the phenology of species within the family Lestidae in Numidia, northeastern Algeria, we found that: (1) four of five species—Lestes barbarus, L. numidicus, L. viridis, and Sympecma fusca—feature a prolonged pre-reproductive period approaching five (Lestes spp.) or eight months (S. fusca); (2) adults of L. numidicus, and probably of S. fusca, move to…