Landscape variation in the larval density of a bromeliad-dwelling zygopteran, Mecistogaster modesta (Odonata: Pseudostigmatidae)

In the premontane rain forests of northwest Costa Rica, patches of secondary forest can contain high densities of large Vriesea spp. bromeliads. Such patches contain an average of 6,470 ± 1,080 (s.e.) larvae ha-1 of the bromeliad-dwelling pseudostigmatid, Mecistogaster modesta, ca 3 6× higher than larval densities that we previously reported for adjacent primary forest.

Sperm numbers, sperm storage duration and fertility limitation in the Odonata

The status of the Odonata as a model taxon for studying the evolution and diversity of reproductive behaviours is shown here to have declined relative to crickets and Drosophila. Very few available data on ejaculate size, the number of sperm stored by females and the duration of sperm storage reveal poor knowledge of these areas…

Territorial behaviour associated with feeding in both sexes of the tropical zygopteran, Libellago hyalina (Odonata: Chlorocyphidae)

Territorial behaviour associated with adult odonate feeding in a Bornean rain forest under-storey is described and its underlying causes are analysed. Immature males and females of all ages of Libellago hyalina defended perches along a narrow trail in kerangas forest, concentrating especially around patches of sunlight. Throughout the day there was displacement of individuals as…

Critical species of Odonata in Europe

The status of the odonate fauna of Europe is fairly well known, but the current IUCN Red List presents only six species out of ca 130, two of which are actually out of danger today. In this paper we propose a tentative list of 22 possibly declining or threatened species in the region. For the…

Critical species of Odonata in the Philippines

The Philippine odonate fauna is characterized by a high percentage of endemic species, especially in Zygoptera, most of which have a very limited range. Due to the continuing loss of forests and other habitat destruction, a majority of the 300 plus known species could be red-listed, but only a few critical species are evaluated here.

The Odonata of Pohnpei, Eastern Caroline Islands, Micronesia

A collection of 448 Odonata specimens made on Pohnpei, Caroline Islands, Micronesia, in 2001–2002 allows a reassessment of the fauna of this small, isolated island. There are 15 species, including six species of the zygopteran genus Teinobasis, which apparently speciated in situ, an unusually great diversity for such a small island. One of these species…