Indocypha catopta sp. nov. from Guizhou, China (Odonata: Chlorocyphidae)

Indocypha catopta sp. nov. (holotype ♂: China, Guizhou, Maolan National Nature Reserve 28 vii 2008, to be deposited in the Collection of Aquatic Insects and Soil Animals, Department of Entomology, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou) is described, illustrated and compared with all known Indocypha species. The uncertain taxonomic status of some Chinese Indocypha species is…

A review of the Teinobasis of Sundaland, with the description of Teinobasis cryptica sp. nov. from Malaysia (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

Teinobasis cryptica sp. nov. (holotype ♂: Borneo, Sarawak, Bahagian Samarahan, Kota Samarahan, old UNIMAS campus, disturbed peatswamp forest, 25 ii 2008, RMNH) from Malaysia is described from both sexes and compared with other Teinobasis species known to occur in Malaysia. The members of the genus known from Sundaland are reviewed. Records of T. ruficollis from…

Seasonal ecology of Algerian Lestidae (Odonata)

When comparing the phenology of species within the family Lestidae in Numidia, northeastern Algeria, we found that: (1) four of five species—Lestes barbarus, L. numidicus, L. viridis, and Sympecma fusca—feature a prolonged pre-reproductive period approaching five (Lestes spp.) or eight months (S. fusca); (2) adults of L. numidicus, and probably of S. fusca, move to…

How to enter a desert—patterns of Odonata colonisation of arid Namibia

With a total of 75 species the odonate diversity in the Namibian desert is surprisingly high. Based on their distribution characteristics, invasion patterns, and breeding success, there are six well-defined categories of Odonata: widespread species – (1) permanently living in the desert, and desert biased, (2) permanently living in the desert, but not desert-biased; (3)…

Critical species of Odonata in Australia

The Australian Odonata fauna is reviewed. The state of the current taxonomy and ecology, studies on biodiversity, studies on larvae and the all identification keys are reported. The conservation status of the Australian odonates is evaluated and the endangered species identified. In addition the endemic species, species with unusual biology and species, not threatened yet,…

The impact of forestry on dragonfly diversity in Central Sweden

A survey of 32 lakes for dragonfly larvae, aquatic plants and forestry regime in the surrounding boreal forests was performed. The highest diversity was found in undisturbed forests. Lakes rich in aquatic plants were shown also to be rich in dragonflies. A rich plant community is proposed to provide a wider range of microhabitats thereby…