Oviposition site selection by Coenagrion mercuriale (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

The aim of the study was to determine oviposition site selection in the endangered damselfly Coenagrion mercuriale in its UK stronghold and to determine hatching success of eggs. This was achieved by watching the behaviour of marked pairs from the onset of copulation to the end of oviposition and recording the number and duration of…

A synopsis of the genus Telebasis (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

In this synopsis all 50 species of the primarily neotropical genus Telebasis are keyed, diagnosed, and illustrated. Helveciagrion is considered a junior subjective synonym of Telebasis, T. coccinata a junior subjective synonym of T. coccinea, and T. limoncocha a junior subjective synonym of T. griffinii. Six new species from South America are described: T. carvalhoi…

Blues for the red Oxyagrion: a redefinition of the genera Acanthagrion and Oxyagrion (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

Examination of diagnostic features for all known species of Acanthagrion and Oxyagrion shows color pattern alone not to be a reliable diagnostic character. Both genera are redefined based on morphological characters, and some color pattern characters which further aid in their diagnoses. A preliminary phylogenetic analysis indicates both genera are monophyletic. They are distinguished from…

Papuagrion carcharodon sp. nov. from southern New Guinea (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

Papuagrion carcharodon, a new coenagrionid from the rainforest of Papua New Guinea’s Simbu Province, is described (holotype: 06°43′S, 145°05′E; 900 m a.s.l., 27 March 2004, to be deposited at Naturalis, Leiden). This new species is similar to P. ekari and P. pesechem but may be distinguished from both by the tooth-shaped lower branch of the…

The Pseudagrion split: molecular phylogeny confirms the morphological and ecological dichotomy of Africa’s most diverse genus of Odonata (Coenagrionidae)

The continental African representatives of the genus Pseudagrion fall into two groups (A and B) based on their ecology and larval and adult morphology. While the B-group species are found in generally warmer habitats, which are more sunny, lentic or low-lying, the A-group representatives occur more in cooler habitats. We compared molecular genetic and ecological…