Genetic identity of Japanese Sympetrum frequens and Korean S. depressiusculum inferred from mitochondrial 16S rRNA sequences (Odonata: Libellulidae)

The Japanese endemic Sympetrum frequens is considered as the insular vicariant of S. depressiusculum, widely distributed in the Eurasian Continent. In Korea, morphologically intermediate specimens have been collected, mixed with typical S. depressiusculum. The taxonomical status of these two species is thus questionable. To clarify their status, sequencing of mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) was…

Critical species of Odonata in Europe

The status of the odonate fauna of Europe is fairly well known, but the current IUCN Red List presents only six species out of ca 130, two of which are actually out of danger today. In this paper we propose a tentative list of 22 possibly declining or threatened species in the region. For the…

Critical species of Odonata in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Brunei

Malaysia, Brunei and the Indonesian archipelago comprise a total land area of ca 1.84 million km2 including ca 13,000 islands, lying entirely within the tropics. The region is bisected by Wallace’s line and supports a rich Oriental fauna to the west (Sundaland) and mainly Australian elements to the east. Taxonomic studies throughout the region were…

Critical species of Odonata in the Asian part of the former USSR and the Republic of Mongolia

The region covered is briefly defined and characterized as relatively little disturbed. A survey of relevant odonatological literature, including local Red Lists, is given, along with current scientific activity. Sixteen species are indicated, which deserve special attention, one of them, Ischnura aralensis, being the only strict endemic in the region. Some isolated populations deserving protection…

Critical species of Odonata in Turkey, Iran and the Caucasus

An overview is given of the present knowledge and current research on the Odonata fauna of Turkey, Iran, and the Caucasus. The occurrence of endemic taxa and of rare and possibly threatened species is discussed. The use of water from various aquatic habitats is reviewed in order to gain insight in existing and potential problems,…

Critical species of Odonata in Japan

Japan is a small country but ranges from the subtropical to the subarctic zone. Every year during spring to autumn, many typhoons bring tropical taxa, which occasionally establish in Japan. Up to now, 215 odonate taxa have been recorded, 34 of which are regarded as critical species. Intensive research on Odonata – supported by identification…

Critical species of Odonata in the Philippines

The Philippine odonate fauna is characterized by a high percentage of endemic species, especially in Zygoptera, most of which have a very limited range. Due to the continuing loss of forests and other habitat destruction, a majority of the 300 plus known species could be red-listed, but only a few critical species are evaluated here.

Odonata fauna of Sri Lanka: research state and threat status

Altogether 116 odonate species are known from Sri Lanka. The level of endemism is high -53 taxa or 45.7% are confined to the island. The Chlorocyphidae, Euphaeidae, Protoneuridae, Platystictidae, Gomphidae and Corduliidae consist of almost exclusively endemic taxa. The odonate fauna of Sri Lanka is still insufficiently known. Knowledge on distribution, biology and taxonomy of…

Critical species of Odonata in southern Africa

Of the 160 species in South Africa, 29 are endemic. Threats to the local odonate fauna have increased in recent years due to the growth of agriculture and impact of invasive alien trees. Currently, 13 species are red-listed as threatened. Among the activities to ameliorate threats, is a massive programme, ‘Working for Water’, to remove…

Critical species of Odonata in northern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula

The region is broadly determined by desert, which forms a huge belt between the western Palaearctic and the Afrotropics. Fourteen out of the 125 odonate species recorded so far are endemics. There are two main centres of endemism in the region: the northern Maghreb and the southern Arabian Peninsula. Odonate habitats in the desert are…