Larvae of Epipleoneura manauensis Santos and Roppaneura beckeri Santos with a key to the genera of known Neotropical Protoneuridae larvae (Odonata: Zygoptera)

The larva of Epipleoneura manauensis is described and illustrated based on last-stadium larvae and exuviae of reared larvae collected in a black-water stream in Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil. The larva of Roppaneura beckeri is described and illustrated based on exuviae of reared larvae collected from the water accumulated in the axils (phytotelmata) of Eryngium floribundum…

Odonata communities in retrodunal ponds: a comparison of sampling methods

Dragonflies are commonly used as indicators of environmental quality and different methods have been employed to monitor odonate assemblages, such as surveys of all adults, evaluations based on breeding adults, sampling of larvae and collection of exuviae. Results obtained with different sampling methods may not be interchangeable, as the different life stages (e.g. larvae, adults)…

Odonata colour: more than meets the eye?

Interpretations of behavioural visual cues, based on human perception of colour, may mislead because of the difference in our visual range compared to other animals. Investigations into ultraviolet (UV) reflectance have shown that this can be an important mode of communication in many animals. The present study focused on 10 species of British Odonata. Digital

Leucorrhinia pectoralis can coexist with fish (Odonata: Libellulidae)

The Palaearctic libellulid Leucorrhinia pectoralis is generally considered to be a species inhabiting fish-free water bodies. Yet, a long-term monitoring study of 38 water bodies in NE Germany resulted in 16 species offish being recorded in reproductive habitats of L. pectoralis, with Rutilus rutilus and Carassius carassius as the most numerous and widespread fish species.

Archaeopodagrion armatum sp. nov. from Ecuador (Odonata: Megapodagrionidae)

Archaeopodagrion armatum sp. nov. is described and illustrated (holotype ♂ Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe Prov., forest S of Zamora (4°07′18″S, 78°58′22″W), 02 iv 2008, leg. KJT; in FSCA). The new species is distinct from A. bicorne and A. bilobatum by the pair of highly recurved processes on the hind margin of the prothorax of both sexes,…