Pseudagrion lorenzi sp. nov., a new damselfly species from New Britain island, Papua New Guinea (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

Pseudagrion lorenzi sp. nov. is described from New Britain island, Papua New Guinea. Male and female characters are illustrated by means of scanning electron microscopy. A differential diagnosis with Pseudagrion civicum Lieftinck, 1932 from New Guinea and Pseudagrion incisurum Lieftinck, 1949 from the Solomon Archipelago is provided. The female of P. incisurum is described for…

The female of Leptobasis melinogaster González-Soriano (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

The female of Leptobasis melinogaster González-Soriano, 2002 is formally described and illustrated. Female L. melinogaster can be distinguished from the seven other known congeners by the shape and presence of a ventral lobe below the rounded lateral margins of the posterior and median lobes of the prothorax as well as by the dark apices on…

A review of the Teinobasis of Sundaland, with the description of Teinobasis cryptica sp. nov. from Malaysia (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

Teinobasis cryptica sp. nov. (holotype ♂: Borneo, Sarawak, Bahagian Samarahan, Kota Samarahan, old UNIMAS campus, disturbed peatswamp forest, 25 ii 2008, RMNH) from Malaysia is described from both sexes and compared with other Teinobasis species known to occur in Malaysia. The members of the genus known from Sundaland are reviewed. Records of T. ruficollis from…

Relict occurrence of East Palaearctic dragonflies in northern European Russia, with first records of Coenagrion glaciale in Europe (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

The East Palaearctic Coenagrion glaciale and C. hylas are characterized by a current disjunct distribution. New data from northern European Russia significantly modify the earlier known pattern of their distribution. The first European records of C. glaciale and a new record of C. hylas west of the Urals are reported from the environs of Pinega…

Parthenogenetic Ischnura hastata revisited: present status and notes on population ecology and behaviour (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

Populations of Ischnura hastata found in the Azores archipelago represent the only known example of parthenogenesis in the order Odonata. In this paper, we present results from fieldwork done on the islands of São Miguel, Pico, Santa Maria, and Graciosa, aimed at characterizing population ecology and habitat preferences of this species. Sampling of several ponds…

Cyanallagma corbeti sp. nov. from Brazil (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

The new species Cyanallagma corbeti (holotype ♂: Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul State, Rio do Pinto river, km 93 of road RS-453 between São Francisco de Paula and Rio Tainha, 29°30′70″S, 50°51′70″W, 900 m, 09 xi 1967, leg. N.D. Santos); deposited in the Museu Nacional (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is described, illustrated, and compared…