Temperature response of growth of larval dragonflies – an overview

We review the knowledge about the thermal reaction norms of larval growth in Odonata with a focus on the temperature response function. We re-analyze literature data and present our own results on growth rates of larvae of 14 species of Libellulidae reared at different temperatures. Temperature response curves (TRC) were fitted in order to estimate…

Dragons fly, biologists classify: an overview of molecular odonate studies, and our evolutionary understanding of dragonfly and damselfly (Insecta: Odonata) behavior

Among insects, perhaps the most appreciated are those that are esthetically pleasing: few capture the interest of the public as much as vibrantly colored dragonflies and damselflies (Insecta: Odonata). These remarkable insects are also extensively studied. Here, we review the history of odonate systematics, with an emphasis on discrepancies among studies. Over the past century,…

Characteristics of microsatellite loci in Odonata

Microsatellite loci have become the genetic markers of choice for population-level molecular ecological studies. However, microsatellite loci had been isolated for comparatively few species of odonate until the past five years. This review summarises the main characteristics – expected heterozygosity and microsatellite length – of 116 microsatellite loci that have been isolated from the genomes…

Taxonomy, behaviour, and habitat of Mesopodagrion and Sinocnemis. Notes on Old World Megapodagrionidae 3 (Odonata)

Published records of Mesopodagrion are reviewed and the distributions of M. tibetanum and M. yachowensis are given. Sinocnemis henanese is considered a junior synonym of S. yangbingi. Based on morphological and behavioural characters Sinocnemis is removed from Platycnemididae and placed in Megapodagrionidae. Species of Sinocnemis show a general resemblance to species of Mesopodagrion but it…

Critical species of Odonata in Turkey, Iran and the Caucasus

An overview is given of the present knowledge and current research on the Odonata fauna of Turkey, Iran, and the Caucasus. The occurrence of endemic taxa and of rare and possibly threatened species is discussed. The use of water from various aquatic habitats is reviewed in order to gain insight in existing and potential problems,…

Critical species of Odonata in southwestern Africa

In this report we review the conservation status of Odonata of southwestern Africa, viz Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. In total, 287 species have been recorded of which three have been previously listed by IUCN. We consider 60 species mainly because of their endemism in the region. The majority of the species have to…

Conservation of Odonata in the South Pacific and Australasia

The conservation status of Odonata in the South Pacific Region and in Australasia is reviewed. Australian and New Zealand faunas have recently been monographed, for the rest of the region lack of data is the major handicap to concrete planning. The taxonomic status of the different island faunas and the state of habitat modification on…

Critical species of Odonata in Australia

The Australian Odonata fauna is reviewed. The state of the current taxonomy and ecology, studies on biodiversity, studies on larvae and the all identification keys are reported. The conservation status of the Australian odonates is evaluated and the endangered species identified. In addition the endemic species, species with unusual biology and species, not threatened yet,…

Repeated predation of Odonata by the hornet Vespa crabro (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)

Predation of aggregated, ovipositing tandems of Sympetrum sanguineum and S. vulgatum by the hornet Vespa crabro was observed in Belarus. The same species of hornet was seen killing territorial males and copulating females of Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis in Italy. Numerous remains of these odonates at the oviposition sites suggest that attacks occur frequently. A short review…