Reproductive behavior of Acanthagrion truncatum Selys, 1876 (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

Behavioral data on Neotropical coenagrionids is still scanty, with very few studies on their reproductive behavior. Here we present the first description of the reproductive behavior of A. truncatum in a high density population in the Brazilian Neotropical savanna. The observations were made at a pond in an ecological reserve. Males remain at the water…

Taxonomy and identification of the continental African Gynacantha and Heliaeschna species (Odonata: Aeshnidae)

The taxonomy of the Gynacantha and Heliaeschna species from continental Africa is problematic, and available keys are unsatisfactory. ‘Traditional’ characters such as venation and ‘innovative’ ones like abdominal denticulation are evaluated and their variability is measured and discussed. G. quadrina is a synonym of G. africana and not of G. vesiculata, G. ochraceipes is regarded…

Revision of the subgenus Marmaraeschna (Odonata: Aeshnidae)

This revision of the subgenus Marmaraeschna includes the description of three new species: Aeshna (M.) fissifrons, A. (M.) obscura and A. (M.) brevicercia, as well as redescriptions of the previously known species, including the first description of the male of A. (M.) pallipes, a key for males and females and an updated distribution for each…