Reciprocal predation involving Odonata, Asilidae and Saltatoria

A singular observation of an adult Tettigonia viridissima (Tettigoniidae) that captured a female Eutolmus rufibarbis (Asilidae) sucking a male Lestes sponsa (Lestidae) is reported. The reciprocal predation of Odonata, Asilidae, and Saltatoria (Ensifera, Caelifera) hitherto recorded in Europe is compiled and augmented by unpublished data on asilids as predators of odonates. Heavy predation by robber-flies…

A critical checklist of the Odonata of Portugal

The Odonata checklist of continental Portugal, Madeira and the Azores includes 65 species. Besides Sympetrum nigrifemur, an endemic of Madeira and the Canary Islands, and the unique population of the Nearctic Ischnura hastata in the Azores, the species composition reflects a higher proportion of western Mediterranean and Ethiopian elements than any other European country. An…

Pamita hannahdaltonae gen. nov., sp. nov. from Baltic amber (Odonata: Amphipterygida)

The first known amphipterygid-like zygopteran from amber is described. Although its provenance is not known with certainty, we feel confident in attributing it to the Baltic amber deposits of northern Europe. It thus represents the first Old World Tertiary amphipterygidan and substantially extends the known geographic range of the taxon. Based on current knowledge its…

Group oviposition in three platycnemidid species (Odonata: Platycnemididae)

The European Platycnemis acutipennis and P. latipes and the African Mesocnemis singularis aggregate during oviposition. Choice experiments show that, in all three species, groups develop because tandems preferentially land where conspecifics already show oviposition behaviour. Just a single motionless male in the typical vertical position of a tandem male stimulates aggregation and oviposition behaviour in…

Oviposition site preference and egg parasitism in Sympecma paedisca (Odonata: Lestidae)

Oviposition of Sympecma paedisca was observed in eastern Kazakstan. The main oviposition substrates were living Phragmites leaves. In comparison with European and Japanese populations we propose geographic variation in the proportional use of horizontal versus vertical oviposition substrates. Ovipositing females seemed to avoid the inner parts of Phragmites stands and there was a preference for…

Constructed wetlands: high-quality habitats for Odonata in cultivated landscapes

In Norway and throughout the rest of Europe, a continuous decline in the number of small lakes and ponds has taken place. As a consequence, many pond-dwelling organisms have become rare or extinct. Constructed wetlands (CWs) have since the 1990s been used as a remedial action against agricultural runoff. This study has investigated the potential…