Papuagrion carcharodon sp. nov. from southern New Guinea (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

Papuagrion carcharodon, a new coenagrionid from the rainforest of Papua New Guinea’s Simbu Province, is described (holotype: 06°43′S, 145°05′E; 900 m a.s.l., 27 March 2004, to be deposited at Naturalis, Leiden). This new species is similar to P. ekari and P. pesechem but may be distinguished from both by the tooth-shaped lower branch of the…

Prodasineura doisuthepensis sp. nov. from Thailand (Odonata: Protoneuridae)

Prodasineura doisuthepensis sp. nov. from Thailand is described and figured. The holotype and two paratypes were collected by the author on 11 May 2002 on the slopes of Doi Suthep, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand (18°48′N, 98°56′E). The material will be deposited at the Naturhistorisches Museum Basel (NHMB). The female is unknown. This is the only…

The dry season governs the reproduction of three pseudostigmatid zygopterans in Costa Rica (Odonata: Pseudostigmatidae)

The large Neotropical zygopterans Megaloprepus caerulatus, Mecistogaster linearis and M. ornata (Pesudostigmatidae) were surveyed during five years, and striking differences in their reproduction patterns were shown: (1) At two study sites in seasonal, tropical semi-dry forests in Pacific Costa Rica, adult M. ornata could be observed throughout the year, occasionally during the dry season up…

The Pseudagrion split: molecular phylogeny confirms the morphological and ecological dichotomy of Africa’s most diverse genus of Odonata (Coenagrionidae)

The continental African representatives of the genus Pseudagrion fall into two groups (A and B) based on their ecology and larval and adult morphology. While the B-group species are found in generally warmer habitats, which are more sunny, lentic or low-lying, the A-group representatives occur more in cooler habitats. We compared molecular genetic and ecological…

The name-bearing types of Odonata held in the Natural History Museum of Zimbabwe, with systematic notes on Afrotropical taxa. Part 1: introduction and Anisoptera

Orthographic details of 118 name-bearing types of Odonata are provided in two parts: the first and present paper deals with Anisoptera, the second with Zygoptera. 58 types pertain to good species, although the taxonomy of at least four is problematic. The details of 11 ‘holotypes’ of forms are also provided, although these and their names…

Reciprocal predation involving Odonata, Asilidae and Saltatoria

A singular observation of an adult Tettigonia viridissima (Tettigoniidae) that captured a female Eutolmus rufibarbis (Asilidae) sucking a male Lestes sponsa (Lestidae) is reported. The reciprocal predation of Odonata, Asilidae, and Saltatoria (Ensifera, Caelifera) hitherto recorded in Europe is compiled and augmented by unpublished data on asilids as predators of odonates. Heavy predation by robber-flies…