Effects of male harassment on females’ oviposition behaviour in Libellulidae (Odonata)

I investigated whether the level of male harassment affects females’ oviposition behaviour, such that females oviposit unguarded under suboptimal conditions and/or vary oviposition duration, dip number, dip frequency or number of oviposition site changes. The study species were the libellulids Crocothemis erythraea, Ortbetrum chrysostigma, Pantala flavescens, Sympetrum fonscolombii, Trithemis annulata and T. kirbyi ardens. Only…

Territorial behaviour associated with feeding in both sexes of the tropical zygopteran, Libellago hyalina (Odonata: Chlorocyphidae)

Territorial behaviour associated with adult odonate feeding in a Bornean rain forest under-storey is described and its underlying causes are analysed. Immature males and females of all ages of Libellago hyalina defended perches along a narrow trail in kerangas forest, concentrating especially around patches of sunlight. Throughout the day there was displacement of individuals as…

Diel pattern of activity, mating, and flight behaviour in Onychogomphus uncatus (Odonata: Gomphidae)

The behaviour of Onychogomphus uncatus, including flight and mating activity, was studied at a fast-flowing irrigation canal. During the day, males perched in sections of the canal with a strong current and a turbulent water surface. During short flights, interactions with other con-specific and hetero-specific males occurred, particularly with Orthetrum coerulescens. Under conditions of high…

Reproductive behaviour of Odonata: the history of a mystery

The main, externally visible components of odonate reproductive behaviour were known from published accounts for about 300 years before sperm displacement during copulation was first described. The latter discovery, revealed by Jonathan Waage in 1979, revolutionised the interpretation of odonate reproductive behaviour, allowing it for the first time to be interpreted convincingly in the context…

To stay or not to stay: Decision-making during territorial behaviour of Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis and Calopteryx splendens splendens (Zygoptera: Calopterygidae)

The effect of copulation and presence of predators on territorial behaviour of male Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis (in southern France) and of male C. splendens splendens (in northern Germany) was studied in nature. A male obtaining a copulation early in the day often secured more copulations later that day than did males not obtaining an early copulation….

Post-copulatory behaviour in Calopteryx females (Insecta, Odonata, Calopterygidae)

The post-copulatory behaviour of Calopteryx splendens females was studied under field and laboratory conditions. After termination of copulation females usually perch and bend the abdomen so that its apex touches the ground (post-copulatory posture). The post-copulatory posture is a consequence of sperm removal by males. Male and female microstructures (spines and scales) interact to move…

Tetrathemis polleni, its reproductive behaviour and preferred habitat

Tetrathemis polleni, its reproductive behaviour and preferred habitat Jill Silsbya Purley, UK International Journal of Odonatology, Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 96-97, 1998 https://doi.org/10.1080/13887890.1998.9748096 Published: 1 October 1998 Full text PDF Copyright information Issue section: Note