The name-bearing types of Odonata held in the Natural History Museum of Zimbabwe, with systematic notes on Afrotropical taxa. Part 1: introduction and Anisoptera

Orthographic details of 118 name-bearing types of Odonata are provided in two parts: the first and present paper deals with Anisoptera, the second with Zygoptera. 58 types pertain to good species, although the taxonomy of at least four is problematic. The details of 11 ‘holotypes’ of forms are also provided, although these and their names…

Inflation by venation and the bankruptcy of traditional genera: the case of Neodythemis and Micromacromia, with keys to the continental African species and the description of two new Neodythemis species from the Albertine Rift (Odonata: Libellulidae)

The Afrotropical ‘neodythemistine’ genera are an example of venation-biased classification in Odonata. This example is used to argue the bankruptcy of some traditional classifications in the order, particularly in the Libellulidae, and the need to apply alternative characters to define genera. Two groups of Afrotropical ‘neodythemistines’ are identified by male and female genitalia, supported by…

Taxonomy of the South American genus Phyllopetalia (Odonata: Austropetaliidae)

This synopsis of adult Phyllopetalia includes the synonymy of four genera (Phyllopetalia senior subjective synonym of Rheopetalia, Odontopetalia, Eurypetalia and Ophiopetalia), four species and one subspecies (P. apicalis senior subjective synonym of Rheopetalia rex and R. apicalis decorata, and P. pudu senior subjective synonym of Ophiopetalia araucana, O. auregaster and O. Diana). P. excrescens and…

Odonata of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, part II: Anisoptera

Taxonomic and faunistic information is provided on the Anisoptera of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. The genus Atratothemis is established to receive a newly discovered libellulid species A. reelsi sp. nov. belonging to the subfamily Pantalinae. Oligoaeschna aquilonaris sp. nov., Periaeschna rotunda sp. nov., Petaliaeschna gerrhon sp. nov. and Asiagomphus giza sp. nov. are described.

A synopsis of the South American genus Gomphomacromia (Odonata: Gomphomacromiinae)

Gomphomacromia mexicana is shown to be a junior synonym of G. chilensis based on a comparison of the holotype male with the original description of G. chilensis and specimens identified as that species from Chile. Examination of a large series of specimens from central and southern Chile and Argentina identified both as G. paradoxa and…

Taxonomy and identification of the continental African Gynacantha and Heliaeschna species (Odonata: Aeshnidae)

The taxonomy of the Gynacantha and Heliaeschna species from continental Africa is problematic, and available keys are unsatisfactory. ‘Traditional’ characters such as venation and ‘innovative’ ones like abdominal denticulation are evaluated and their variability is measured and discussed. G. quadrina is a synonym of G. africana and not of G. vesiculata, G. ochraceipes is regarded…

Critical species of Odonata in western Africa

Western Africa—defined as the tropical area from Cameroon westwards—probably has the richest odonate fauna in Africa, particularly the region of (and around) the Cameroon highlands. This region is home to many relict and endemic species, such as the continent’s only representatives of the families Amphipterygidae and Perilestidae. Previous selections of threatened West African Odonata have…

Acanthagrion aepiolum sp. nov. from South America (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

The new species – holotype ♂, Bolivia, Department of Santa Cruz, Ñuflo de Chavez Prov., stream 11.8 km E of San Javier (16°17′S, 62°37′W), 16 November 1998, leg. K.J. Tennessen; deposited in El Museo de Historia Natural “Noel Kempff Mercado”, Santa Cruz, Bolivia – has been confused with Acanthagrion ascendens. Abdominal segment 10 in males…