Pseudagrion lorenzi sp. nov., a new damselfly species from New Britain island, Papua New Guinea (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

Pseudagrion lorenzi sp. nov. is described from New Britain island, Papua New Guinea. Male and female characters are illustrated by means of scanning electron microscopy. A differential diagnosis with Pseudagrion civicum Lieftinck, 1932 from New Guinea and Pseudagrion incisurum Lieftinck, 1949 from the Solomon Archipelago is provided. The female of P. incisurum is described for…

Odonata biodiversity of the Argentine Chaco biome

Odonates of small temporary pools, marshes, large permanent ponds, oxbow lakes, dams, and perennial rivers were sampled in the semiarid Chaco biome of NW Argentina between September 2007 and December 2008. Information from 35 localities yielded 60 species; presence/absence information of species was recorded in a spatial-relational database. Alpha, beta, and gamma diversity and total…

Critical species of Odonata in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Brunei

Malaysia, Brunei and the Indonesian archipelago comprise a total land area of ca 1.84 million km2 including ca 13,000 islands, lying entirely within the tropics. The region is bisected by Wallace’s line and supports a rich Oriental fauna to the west (Sundaland) and mainly Australian elements to the east. Taxonomic studies throughout the region were…

Critical species of Odonata in Thailand and Indochina

The report provides a summary of our present knowledge of the odonate diversity (over 500 species) in the region and some general data on the habitat conservation in different countries. Thailand has the most diverse and best known odonate fauna, but knowledge of the Laotian and Vietnamese fauna has increased rapidly over the last 10…

Critical species of Odonata in Australia

The Australian Odonata fauna is reviewed. The state of the current taxonomy and ecology, studies on biodiversity, studies on larvae and the all identification keys are reported. The conservation status of the Australian odonates is evaluated and the endangered species identified. In addition the endemic species, species with unusual biology and species, not threatened yet,…

The impact of forestry on dragonfly diversity in Central Sweden

A survey of 32 lakes for dragonfly larvae, aquatic plants and forestry regime in the surrounding boreal forests was performed. The highest diversity was found in undisturbed forests. Lakes rich in aquatic plants were shown also to be rich in dragonflies. A rich plant community is proposed to provide a wider range of microhabitats thereby…

Commented checklist of the Odonata from Colombia

Colombian odonatological history was scarce until two decades ago. Here, we present an updated, thoroughly vetted, and refined checklist of taxonomic and geographical records of Colombian odonates, built upon the previous publication in 2011.