Taxonomy of the South American genus Phyllopetalia (Odonata: Austropetaliidae)

This synopsis of adult Phyllopetalia includes the synonymy of four genera (Phyllopetalia senior subjective synonym of Rheopetalia, Odontopetalia, Eurypetalia and Ophiopetalia), four species and one subspecies (P. apicalis senior subjective synonym of Rheopetalia rex and R. apicalis decorata, and P. pudu senior subjective synonym of Ophiopetalia araucana, O. auregaster and O. Diana). P. excrescens and…

A synopsis of the South American genus Gomphomacromia (Odonata: Gomphomacromiinae)

Gomphomacromia mexicana is shown to be a junior synonym of G. chilensis based on a comparison of the holotype male with the original description of G. chilensis and specimens identified as that species from Chile. Examination of a large series of specimens from central and southern Chile and Argentina identified both as G. paradoxa and…

Revision of the subgenus Marmaraeschna (Odonata: Aeshnidae)

This revision of the subgenus Marmaraeschna includes the description of three new species: Aeshna (M.) fissifrons, A. (M.) obscura and A. (M.) brevicercia, as well as redescriptions of the previously known species, including the first description of the male of A. (M.) pallipes, a key for males and females and an updated distribution for each…