Orthetrum julia falsum Longfield 1955, new to the dragonfly fauna of Yemen and the Arabian Penunsula (Anisoptera: Libellulidae)

Orthetrum julia (Kirby 1900), subspecies falsum Longfield 1955, is reported for the first time from Yemen and the Arabian Peninsula (1 male, Wadi al-Ahjar, 15°27’53″N 43°52’32″E). The specimen is described and compared with specimens from Africa; taxonomically relevant structures are figured. The total number of species known from Yemen is raised to 37, from the…

Reproductive behavior of Erythrodiplax abjecta (Rambur, 1842) from Andean Mountains

Research about the behavior of Neotropical species is crucial to understand how the rapid environmental changes in the Neotropics affect the reproduction of various organisms. The reproductive behavior of insects in tropical ecosystems, such as those belonging to the order Odonata, is as yet scarcely known. In this article, the reproductive behavior of Erythrodiplax abjecta is described from several localities in the Colombian Andean Mountains.

Development of Sympetrum striolatum and S. vulgatum (Odonata: Libellulidae) in brackish water

Sympetrum striolatum (Charpentier, 1840) and S. vulgatum (Linnaeus, 1758) are two closely related Libellulidae that are widespread and common in Central Europe. The idea for this research originates from normally using saltwater shrimps for rearing young larvae, the observations of Sympetrum species laying eggs in seawater and the suggested ability of S. striolatum to colonize brackish water habitats.