Taxonomy, behaviour, and habitat of Mesopodagrion and Sinocnemis. Notes on Old World Megapodagrionidae 3 (Odonata)

Published records of Mesopodagrion are reviewed and the distributions of M. tibetanum and M. yachowensis are given. Sinocnemis henanese is considered a junior synonym of S. yangbingi. Based on morphological and behavioural characters Sinocnemis is removed from Platycnemididae and placed in Megapodagrionidae. Species of Sinocnemis show a general resemblance to species of Mesopodagrion but it…

Telemetry of Anisoptera after emergence first results (Odonata)

The behaviour of Anisoptera during the period between emergence and the onset of sexual activity is poorly known, mainly because freshly emerged adults are hard to follow. In the present study the system RECCO® Transmitter/Receiver and custombuilt tags made from Schottky diodes and copper wire were used to monitor freshly emerged Anisoptera. The system had…

Why do some zygopterans (Odonata) perch with open wings?

Zygoptera show two perching modes, one with wings closed and one with wings open. These perching modes are distributed unequally through the suborder; most Zygoptera perch with closed wings, but species in 43 genera of eight families at least occasionally – in most cases usually – perch with open wings. Alternative hypotheses to explain this…