Reproductive behavior of two Argia spp. (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) at an Arizona stream

Here we provide a first report on the reproductive behavior of Argia sabino Garrison and Argia pima Garrison from observations at Sabino Creek, Arizona. Both species reproduce in autumn (September-October) following late summer rainstorms. Tandem pairs of A. sabino submerge to oviposit on rock substrates. The oviposition substrate is abundant and widespread. Male A. sabino…

Odonate ethodiversity as a bioindicator of anthropogenic impact

The increasing use of dragonflies and damselflies as models in studies on biodiversity in the last decades has unraveled several features of natural processes and mechanisms for species conservation. Nevertheless, biodiversity is a polysemic concept that resolves multiple dimensions that, together, enroll what we observe as species and lineages diversity. One of these dimensions is Ethodiversity, which may represent the individual diversity of behavioral traits and higher organization levels.

Odonata drift: a reassessment

More than 400 scientific journal articles and gray literature reports that addressed macroinvertebrate drift were reviewed and 63 articles were found that reported on the natural drift of Odonata at some taxonomic level. Forty-three species and 44 genera within 15 families (nine Zygoptera; six Anisoptera) were documented in the drift. Drift of another 13 species…

Ecology of Mesamphiagrion laterale (Odonata: Coenagrionidae): abundance, reproduction and interactions with co-occurring species

The behavior of Mesamphiagrion laterale (Selys, 1876) is described based upon 2430 hours of observation. A total of 2820 individuals were observed for 270 days from 2014 to 2015 using mark-recapture. Probabilities of resight, highest reproductive activity, time-perch and time of perch-temperature were statistically analyzed. Mesamphiagrion laterale is not a territorial species, the individuals perch…

Environmental effects on wing shape and wing size of Argia sedula (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

Well-adapted flight morphology must allow for efficient behavioral activities. Wing shape has been shown in a variety of species to be influenced by environmental conditions. Analysis of wing shape using geometric morphometrics provides a visualization of wing shape variations. This study examined the effects of varied environments on wing shape and wing size of the…