Inflation by venation and the bankruptcy of traditional genera: the case of Neodythemis and Micromacromia, with keys to the continental African species and the description of two new Neodythemis species from the Albertine Rift (Odonata: Libellulidae)

The Afrotropical ‘neodythemistine’ genera are an example of venation-biased classification in Odonata. This example is used to argue the bankruptcy of some traditional classifications in the order, particularly in the Libellulidae, and the need to apply alternative characters to define genera. Two groups of Afrotropical ‘neodythemistines’ are identified by male and female genitalia, supported by…

Odonata of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, part II: Anisoptera

Taxonomic and faunistic information is provided on the Anisoptera of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. The genus Atratothemis is established to receive a newly discovered libellulid species A. reelsi sp. nov. belonging to the subfamily Pantalinae. Oligoaeschna aquilonaris sp. nov., Periaeschna rotunda sp. nov., Petaliaeschna gerrhon sp. nov. and Asiagomphus giza sp. nov. are described.

The Odonata of Tunisia

Between 1987 and 1999 several visits to 69 localities in Tunisia were made. Altogether 46 species of Odonata, including 10 new to Tunisia, were recorded, raising the Tunisian checklist to 52 species. Our observations cover early May to mid June and late September to early November. Using as a basis for inference data from nearby…