Additions to the dragonfly genus Lauromacromia, with description of the female of Lauromacromia luismoojeni and new distributional records (Odonata: Corduliidae s.l.)

Taxonomic, morphological and distributional data on three species of the rare South American corduliid genus Lauromacromia Geijskes, 1970 are updated based on specimens collected recently and old specimens deposited in natural history collections. The female of the poorly known Lauromacromia luismoojeni (Santos, 1967), an endemic species from the Brazilian Cerrado, is illustrated, described and diagnosed…

Recent progress on the flight of dragonflies and damselflies

Remarkable flight performance is key to the survival of adult Odonata. They integrate varied three-dimensional architectures and kinematics of the wings, unsteady aerodynamics, and sensory feedback control in order to achieve agile flight. Therefore, a diverse range of approaches are necessary to understand their flight strategy comprehensively. Recently, new data have been presented in several…

A brief review of Odonata in mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber

Odonatans are rare as amber inclusions, but quite diverse in Cretaceous Burmese amber. In the past two years, over 20 new species have been found by the present authors after studying over 250 odonatans from 300,000 amber inclusions. Most of them have now been published, and here we provide a brief review. Three suborders of…

Rapid acceleration in Odonata flight: highly inclined and in-phase wing beating

Acceleration manoeuvres in free flight in nature of five damselfly (Zygoptera) and four dragonfly (Anisoptera) species were analysed by means of slow motion filming. Changes in stroke frequencies, stroke angles, stroke directions, angles of inclination of the wings, and the phase-relationship of fore- and hindwings were recorded during acceleration. Damselflies and dragonflies showed similar actions….

Dragonfly flight: morphology, performance and behaviour

Odonata flight performance capabilities and behaviour and their body and wing form diversity are explored, and their interrelationships discussed theoretically and from observational evidence. Overall size and particularly wing loading appear predictably to be related to speed range. In Anisoptera at least, relatively short bodies and long wings should favour high speed manoeuvrability, though further…

History of dragonfly flight

From their earliest appearance in the fossil record, dragonflies have clearly taken a different approach to flight than other insect groups. Even the superficially similar Neuroptera do not fly like dragonflies. Flight specialisation has enabled dragonflies to occupy a range of niches, as specialised predators of flying insects, for around 300 My.

Charlie Ellington (1952-2019) – a career in animal flight mechanics

Charlie Ellington (1952-2019) – a career in animal flight mechanics Robin Woottona Department of Biosciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK International Journal of Odonatology, Volume 23, Issue 1, Pages 5-8, 2020 2 January 220 Full text PDF Copyright information Issue section: Article

Dragonfly flight: a Symposium from the 2017 International Congress of Odonatology held at Clare College, Cambridge

Dragonfly flight: a Symposium from the 2017 International Congress of Odonatology held at Clare College, Cambridge Richard Rowea Research School of Biology, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia International Journal of Odonatology, Volume 23, Issue 1, Pages 1-4, 2020 2 January 220 Full text PDF Copyright information Issue section: Introduction

Effectiveness of organic terrace rice cultivation in conservation of odonates in Sikkim, Eastern Himalaya, India

Conversion of natural habitat into agricultural landscape has been identified as one of the major drivers of habitat loss. Human-modified ecosystems, such as agricultural land, have gained significant attention in terms of the conservation of their native biodiversity. We studied the effectiveness of organic agroecosystems in conserving odonate diversity by comparing organic terrace rice cultivation…