The “African” genus Argiagrion is a Brazilian Leptagrion species and the “Philippine” Moroagrion a European Pyrrhosoma (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

Argiagrion leoninum, known only from the female holotype alleged to be West African, is shown to be a junior synonym of the Brazilian species Leptagrion macrurum. Moroagrion danielli, known only from the male holotype thought to be from the Philippines, is a junior synonym of the European Pyrrhosoma nymphula. Argiagrion and Moroagrion were both monotypic…

Habitat segregation of sympatric Mnais damselflies (Odonata: Calopterygidae): microhabitat insolation preferences and competition for territorial space

Distribution and abundance of sympatric Mnais costalis and M. pruinosa damselflies were studied in a low mountain stream in Shiga, Japan, from 2008 through 2012. The reproductive seasons of the two species overlapped almost entirely: both species emerged in early May and disappeared in late June each year. Males of both species hold territories within…

Generic revision of Argiolestidae (Odonata), with four new genera

The subfamily Argiolestinae is raised to family level to include all zygopteran genera in which the gills of the larvae are flat and held in a horizontal plane. A diagnosis of the family is given and characters for both adults and larvae are presented. The family is divided into two subfamilies based on characters in…

Reproductive behavior of Acanthagrion truncatum Selys, 1876 (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

Behavioral data on Neotropical coenagrionids is still scanty, with very few studies on their reproductive behavior. Here we present the first description of the reproductive behavior of A. truncatum in a high density population in the Brazilian Neotropical savanna. The observations were made at a pond in an ecological reserve. Males remain at the water…

Review of the “metallic group” of species of Argia Rambur known from Venezuela, with description of the larva of Argia jocosa Hagen in Selys, 1865 (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

In Venezuela, the “metallic group” includes three species: Argia cupraurea Calvert, Argia jocosa Hagen in Selys, and Argia orichalcea Hagen in Selys. These are here diagnosed and illustrated, and their distribution in Venezuela is mapped. The larva of A. jocosa differs from the few other known larvae of the group in details of the prementum,…

Two new species of Metaleptobasis from Central Ecuador (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

Two new species of Metaleptobasis from Ecuador are described and illustrated. Metaleptobasis gibbosa (holotype ♂, allotype \female: Ecuador, Pastaza Province, forest wetlands, Los Copales, between Mera and Shell, 01° 29′ 30′′ S, 078° 04′ 19′′ W, elevation 1070 m, 20–22 September 2005, leg. K. J. Tennessen; deposited in Florida State Collection of Arthropods) appears related…

Larvae of Epipleoneura manauensis Santos and Roppaneura beckeri Santos with a key to the genera of known Neotropical Protoneuridae larvae (Odonata: Zygoptera)

The larva of Epipleoneura manauensis is described and illustrated based on last-stadium larvae and exuviae of reared larvae collected in a black-water stream in Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil. The larva of Roppaneura beckeri is described and illustrated based on exuviae of reared larvae collected from the water accumulated in the axils (phytotelmata) of Eryngium floribundum…

Description of the larva of Argia percellulata (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

The larva of Argia percellulata is described and figured. It falls into the group of Argia larvae with a very prominent ligula and one palpal seta, but differs from its closest relatives by having tibiae usually with two well-defined dark rings, posterior margin of sternite 6 smooth, and posterior margin of sternite 7 smooth medially…