Volume 13, 2010

Information for Authors

The larvae of Macromia flavocolorata and M. septima from Fujian, China (Odonata: Macromiidae)

The final stadium larvae of Macromia flavocolorata and M. septima are described and illustrated for the first time. They are diagnosed against the congeners on the basis of published descriptions.

The larva of Mecistogaster amalia (Odonata: Pseudostigmatidae)

The final larval stadium of Mecistogaster amalia is described and illustrated for the first time based on one female collected in a tree hole in Misiones province, Argentina, and compared with all known larvae of related genera. Larval morphology of Pseudostigmatidae is briefly discussed.

Remarks on the taxonomy of Megapodagrionidae with emphasis on the larval gills (Odonata)

A list of genera presently included in Megapodagrionidae and Pseudolestidae is provided, together with information on species for which the larva has been described. Based on the shape of the gills, the genera for which the larva is known can be arranged into four groups: (1) species with inflated sack-like gills with a terminal filament;…

The larva of Podolestes orientalis from West Malaysia, with notes on its habitat and biology (Odonata: Megapodagrionidae)

The larva of the south-east Asian megapodagrionid, Podolestes orientalis, is described and figured. Specimens were collected from shallow forest pools lined with large dead leaves in secondary lowland forest. Final and earlier stadium larvae were found concentrated around the edges of pools in very shallow water. Larvae sometimes perched in exposed situations, just below the…

The larva of Nesolestes sp. from Madagascar (Odonata: Megapodagrionidae)

The larva of the genus Nesolestes is described and figured for the first time. Specimens were found in small brooklets in littoral swamp forest in south-eastern Madagascar. The larva is compared with the two other Madagascan genera of Megapodagrionidae, Protolestes and Tatocnemis, and diagnostic characters are given. The caudal lamellae are held in a horizontal…

Calilestes and Lestomima, junior synonyms of Rhipidolestes (Odonata: Megapodagrionidae)

Calilestes pallidistigma and Lestomima flavostigma, both sole representatives of their respective genera, are shown to belong to the genus Rhipidolestes. Rhipidolestes flavostigma comb. nov. is determined to be a junior synonym of R. truncatidens. R. pallidistigma comb. nov. is deemed to be a valid species.

Archaeopodagrion armatum sp. nov. from Ecuador (Odonata: Megapodagrionidae)

Archaeopodagrion armatum sp. nov. is described and illustrated (holotype ♂ Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe Prov., forest S of Zamora (4°07′18″S, 78°58′22″W), 02 iv 2008, leg. KJT; in FSCA). The new species is distinct from A. bicorne and A. bilobatum by the pair of highly recurved processes on the hind margin of the prothorax of both sexes,…

Three new species of Argiolestes, with a key to the males of Argiolestes s. str. (Odonata: Megapodagrionidae)

In this article the genus Argiolestes s.str. is defined and three new species belonging to this group are described: A. foja sp. nov. (holotype: Foja Mountains, Indonesia, dep. in MBB}); A. muller sp. nov. (holotype: Baia River, Papua New Guinea, dep. in SAMA); A. roon sp. nov. (holotype: Roon Island, Indonesia, dep. in BPBM). New…

Two new species of Argiolestes from Papua New Guinea (Odonata: Megapodagrionidae)

Two new species of the New Guinean megapodagrionid genus Argiolestes are described: A. tuberculiferus (holotype ♂ Papua New Guinea, Simbu Province, 6°43′S, 145°05′E; 900 m, 14 xii 2003) and A. verrucatus (holotype ♂ Papua New Guinea, Sandaun Province, 4°48′S, 141°39′E; 1,700-2,100 m, 08 ix 2004). We further provide additional descriptions and ecological data of new…

Relict occurrence of East Palaearctic dragonflies in northern European Russia, with first records of Coenagrion glaciale in Europe (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

The East Palaearctic Coenagrion glaciale and C. hylas are characterized by a current disjunct distribution. New data from northern European Russia significantly modify the earlier known pattern of their distribution. The first European records of C. glaciale and a new record of C. hylas west of the Urals are reported from the environs of Pinega…

Population structure of Polythore procera at a Colombian stream (Odonata: Polythoridae)

We studied a population of Polythore procera along a stream in the Colombian eastern Andean foothills. Mark and recapture samples were made during January to April 2006, covering both dry and wet seasons. We determined population size, daily survival probability, and longevity during the entire period and compared them with precipitation data. Age and sex…

Odonata biodiversity of the Argentine Chaco biome

Odonates of small temporary pools, marshes, large permanent ponds, oxbow lakes, dams, and perennial rivers were sampled in the semiarid Chaco biome of NW Argentina between September 2007 and December 2008. Information from 35 localities yielded 60 species; presence/absence information of species was recorded in a spatial-relational database. Alpha, beta, and gamma diversity and total…

Editorial Board (2010–2012)

Volume 13, Issue 1

Volume 13, Issue 2

Information for Authors

Odonata of Tuva, Russia

The odonate fauna of Tuva in Siberia, Russia, is documented, based mainly on data from expeditions in 1990, 2000 and 2004, and examination of collections preserved in Novosibirsk. The checklist of Tuvinian Odonata presently includes 47 species. In the southern Ubsu-Nur depression 29 species were recorded (two just there); in the Central Tuvinian depression 34…

Crenigomphus kavangoensis sp. nov. from the Okavango River, Namibia (Odonata: Gomphidae)

A new species of Crenigomphus is described and illustrated from a type series of eight males and eight females, all collected along the Okavango River in Namibia during December 2004, three non-type adult specimens and several exuviae (holotype ♂ Namibia, N’Kwazi Lodge, 19 xii 2004, deposited at NMNW). Both sexes lack foliations at S8-9 as…

Lestinogomphus silkeae sp. nov. from the Okavango and Zambezi Rivers (Odonata: Gomphidae)

Lestinogomphus silkeae sp. nov. from the northern Okavango Delta in Botswana, the Kavango River in northern Namibia and the middle Zambezi River in Zimbabwe is described and illustrated (holotype ♂: Botswana, Xaro Lodge, 09 vi 2000, dep. at ZMBH). The shape of the male appendages distinguishes this species from all others in the genus. The…

Ecology of the dragonflies at the westernmost spot of Africa, the island of Santo Antão, Cape Verde (Odonata)

From 12 to 25 August 2009, the odonate fauna of Santo Antão, Cape Verde was surveyed by recording adults and collecting larvae and exuviae at 26 localities, mostly situated in the northwest of the island. Based on the results of this survey and literature data on the Cape Verdes it appears that the resident odonate…

Indocypha catopta sp. nov. from Guizhou, China (Odonata: Chlorocyphidae)

Indocypha catopta sp. nov. (holotype ♂: China, Guizhou, Maolan National Nature Reserve 28 vii 2008, to be deposited in the Collection of Aquatic Insects and Soil Animals, Department of Entomology, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou) is described, illustrated and compared with all known Indocypha species. The uncertain taxonomic status of some Chinese Indocypha species is…

A review of the Teinobasis of Sundaland, with the description of Teinobasis cryptica sp. nov. from Malaysia (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

Teinobasis cryptica sp. nov. (holotype ♂: Borneo, Sarawak, Bahagian Samarahan, Kota Samarahan, old UNIMAS campus, disturbed peatswamp forest, 25 ii 2008, RMNH) from Malaysia is described from both sexes and compared with other Teinobasis species known to occur in Malaysia. The members of the genus known from Sundaland are reviewed. Records of T. ruficollis from…

Leucorrhinia pectoralis can coexist with fish (Odonata: Libellulidae)

The Palaearctic libellulid Leucorrhinia pectoralis is generally considered to be a species inhabiting fish-free water bodies. Yet, a long-term monitoring study of 38 water bodies in NE Germany resulted in 16 species offish being recorded in reproductive habitats of L. pectoralis, with Rutilus rutilus and Carassius carassius as the most numerous and widespread fish species.

Kinematic analysis of maiden flight of Odonata

The maiden flight of five species of Odonata of different families was filmed by slow motion up to 500 f/s and analysed frame by frame. The aim of this study was to find out if the maiden flight differs among various species as well as between tenerals and adults within the same species with respect…

Coloration indicates body size in Calopteryx maculata (Odonata: Calopterygidae)

Calopteryx maculata has become a model system for studying behaviour and reproduction in odonates. Its iridescent coloration is thought to be important in intraspecific interactions but no study has yet measured coloration in a quantitative manner. In a recent study, Fitzstephens & Getty (2000. Animal Behaviour 60: 851-855) showed that lipld levels predict coloration as…

The larva of Tetracanthagyna plagiata, with notes on its biology and comparisons with congeneric species (Odonata: Aeshnidae)

The F stadium larva of both sexes of Tetracanthagyna plagiata is described and figured based on exuviae from which confirmed adult specimens had been reared. Larvae were originally collected in small, slow forest streams in Singapore, and in captivity were fed on local shrimp and small fish species. The known larvae of Tetracanthagyna species, T….

Editorial Board (2010–2012)