Web resources

Odonate researchers and enthusiasts generously share free online educational content and foster social connections globally. Here at WDA, we want to share these resources to all site visitors in one convenient location. Check out these prominent Odonatology web resources and join one of many Facebook groups to connect with odonate photographers, educators and hobbyists around the world.

Citizen Science Resources

Observado.org A website to register your sightings of dragonflies in the world

OdonataCentral by John C. Abbott. A site containing information about the distribution, biogeography and biodiversity of Odonata of the Western Hemisphere, especially North America

iNaturalist an international biodiversity project created as a joint initiative of the California Academy of Sciences and National Geographic Society. Users can register for free and contribute sightings by smartphone app or desktop computer.

Facebook Odonate Groups and Pages

Other Odonate Societies

British Dragonfly Society (BDS)

Dragonfly Society of the Americas (DSA)

Dutch Dragonfly Association (NVL; in Dutch)
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Libellenstudie

Hokkaido Odonatological Society (in Japanese)

Kansai Research Group of Odonatology (KRGO; in Japanese)

Society of German-language Odonatologists (GdO; in German)
Gesellschaft deutschsprachiger Odonatologen

Photography, Blogs & Education