Share Your Work with the Global Odonatology Community!

We are thrilled to invite you to submit your abstracts for the International Congress of Odonatology 2025 (ICO2025)!

Under the theme “From Collections to People: Navigating the Future of Odonatology,” ICO2025 is your opportunity to present your work to a global audience, meet top experts in the field, showcase your research, connect with fellow dragonfly and damselfly enthusiasts, and exchange ideas that will shape the future of Odonata studies!

Abstract Submission Opens: March 1, 2025

Abstract Submission Deadline: May 1, 2025

Plenary Proposal Deadline: Apr 30, 2025

We can’t wait to see your contributions and welcome you to ICO2025 for an exciting and inspiring gathering of odonatologists from around the world!

  • ICO2025 is also seeking dynamic and inspiring plenary speakers who can contribute thought-provoking perspectives within the congress’s thematic areas. We invite nominations and self-proposals from experts in odonatology, conservation biology, ecology, and related fields.  If you want to nominate yourself or other please email with the subject: Plenary Speaker nomination. 

    Plenary Proposal Deadline: Apr 30, 2025

  • We welcome contributions in any topic but encourage the following areas:

    Natural History, Collections, and Evolution

    • Diversity and Distribution: Documenting the diversity and geographical distribution of odonate species.

    • Behavioral Ecology: Insights into the behavior, life cycles, and interactions of dragonflies.

    • Phylogenetics and Taxonomy: Advances in understanding evolutionary relationships and species classification.

    • Collections as a Resource for Taxonomy and Phylogenetics: Utilizing collections for taxonomic revisions, species descriptions, and evolutionary studies.

    Ecosystem Services and Odonata

    • Ecosystem Roles and Functions: Exploring the ecological roles of dragonflies, including pest control and their position in food webs.

    • Dragonflies and Biodiversity: Contributions of Odonata to overall biodiversity and ecosystem stability.

    • Odonata and Sustainable Development: Linking dragonfly conservation with sustainable community development.

    • Bioindicators and Water Quality: Utilizing dragonflies as indicators of ecosystem health and environmental changes.

    Odonata Conservation and Community Engagement

    • Integrating Traditional Knowledge in Conservation Practices

    • Community-Led Conservation Initiatives: Case Studies

    • Citizen Science and Its Role in Monitoring Odonata Populations

    • Conservation Education and Outreach: Engaging Local Communities

    The Anthropocene and the Future of Odonatology

    • Impacts of Climate Change: Investigating the effects of climate change on dragonfly populations and habitats.

    • Human Impacts and Adaptation: Exploring how dragonflies are affected by and adapt to human activities.

    • Future Directions in Odonatology: Discussing emerging research areas, challenges, and opportunities.

  • Abstracts must be submitted exclusively through the submission format by May 1st, 2025. Submissions sent through any other channels or means will not be eligible for consideration.​​

    • Abstracts should be in English and not exceed 3000 characters.

    • Each participant can submit a maximum of two oral presentations. Other contributions will be considered for the poster session.

    • If you have any questions, contact us at

    1. Presentation Format & Timing:

      • Each oral presentation will be 15 minutes long, followed by 5 minutes for questions.

      • Sessions will be strictly timed to ensure smooth transitions between speakers.

    2. Presentation Content:

      • Title Slide: Presentation title, author(s), and affiliations.

      • Introduction: Brief background, objectives, and research questions.

      • Methods: Key methodology concisely explained.

      • Results: Clear figures, tables, or data visualizations.

      • Discussion & Conclusion: Main findings, relevance, and future directions.

      • Acknowledgments & Funding (optional).

    3. Slide Design & Readability:

      • Use a clear, professional template with a simple background.

      • Recommended font size: 28 pt for body text, 36+ pt for headings.

      • Avoid text-heavy slides—use bullet points and visuals where possible.

      • Use high-resolution images, graphs, and tables with clear labels.

      • Limit animations and transitions to essential elements.

    4. Technical Requirements:

      • Presentations must be in PowerPoint (PPTX) or PDF format.

      • Files should be emailed to at least one day before the presentation.

      • A conference laptop will be available; presenters can also bring their file on a USB drive.

      • If using a personal laptop, presenters must notify the ICO2025 team at least one day in advance and ensure they bring the necessary adapters for connection.

      • Videos should be embedded and tested beforehand.

    5. Session Logistics:

      • Presenters should arrive at least 15 minutes before their session starts.

      • A session chair will introduce speakers and moderate Q&A.

      • Time warnings will be given at 10 minutes (5 minutes left) and 14 minutes (1 minute left).

    6. Optional Elements:

      • A QR code on the final slide linking to a full paper, dataset, or additional resources.

    1. Poster Size & Format:

      • Size: A0 (841 mm x 1189 mm) or 36 x 48 inches (portrait orientation preferred).

      • Printed posters: Presenters must bring their posters to the conference.

      • Digital version: A PDF may be requested for online display.

    2. Content & Structure:

      • Title: Clearly visible at the top, matching the submitted abstract.

      • Authors & Affiliations: Full names, institutions, and contact details.

      • Introduction: Background and objectives of the study.

      • Methods: Key methodology in a concise format.

      • Results: Well-organized figures, tables, or graphics with brief explanations.

      • Discussion & Conclusion: Summary of findings and their relevance.

      • Acknowledgments & Funding: Optional but encouraged.

    3. Design & Readability:

      • Use a clear, easy-to-read font (e.g., Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman).

      • Minimum font size: 24 pt for body text, 36 pt for headings.

      • Use high-quality images and graphs with proper labeling.

      • Avoid excessive text; focus on visuals and key points.

    4. Presentation Guidelines:

      • Lightning Talk: Each presenter will have a 5-minute lightning talk during the late session of the poster presentation day to invite attendees to their poster.

      • Mounting & Display: Posters must be mounted at least 30 minutes before the morning session starts.

      • Availability: Presenters should be present during their assigned session for discussions.

      • Duration: Posters will remain displayed for a full day or the entire conference, depending on space.

    5. Optional Elements:

      • QR code linking to a full paper, dataset, or additional resources.

*If you do not have access to Google services (Google Forms), you can complete the form at the following link: Submission Form. Once completed, please send it to to complete your submission.

ICO 2025 Registration fee and Travel Grants

Thanks to the contributions of the Worldwide Dragonfly Association (WDA), Dragonfly Society of the Americas (DSA), German-speaking Odonatologists (GDO), Sociedad Latinoamericana de Odonatología (SOL), and Cyprus Dragonfly Study Group, ICO 2025 will offer travel grants to support students and researchers attending the congress in Villa de Leyva, Colombia (August 10-15, 2025).

Application Opens: March 1, 2025

Application Deadline: April 15, 2025

Results Announcement: May 1, 2025

  • These grants are intended for students, early-career researchers, and participants who require financial support to attend the congress. Selection will be based on originality, contribution to odonatology, and professional development potential.

  • Applicants must complete the application form and submit:

    1. A summary of their presentation (oral or poster).

    2. A brief statement on how their work contributes to odonatology.

    3. An explanation of how attending ICO 2025 will benefit their career.

    4. A budget breakdown of the requested support, including other funding sources, if any.

  • 1) Travel Grants: To partially assist with the cost of travel to and from the conference venue

    2) Registration Fee grants: For participants who require financial support to cover the congress registration fees

  • Applications will be reviewed by a 7-member selection committee, including representatives from the supporting associations and the ICO 2025 committee. A ranking system based on merit and financial need will be used.

** If you do not have access to Google services (Google Forms), you can complete the form at the following link: Travel Grants Form. Once completed, please send it to to complete your application.

Our Grant Partners and Sponsors