A description of the final stadium larva of Calicnemia gulinensis Yu & Bu, 2008 (Odonata: Platycnemididae)

A description of the final stadium larva of Calicnemia gulinensis Yu & Bu, 2008 (Odonata: Platycnemididae) 00

Xueyi Chena, Xin Yua ✉️

  1. College of Life Sciences, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing, PR China

International Journal of Odonatology, Volume 23, Issue 2, Pages 191-197, 2020


Published: 2 April 220 (Received: 6 March 2020, Accepted: 22 April 2020)

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The final stadium larva of Calicnemia gulinensis is described here for the first time. The larva can be distinguished from other known species of the genus Calicnemia by the arrangement of setae on premental edges and the number of setae on labial palpi. The important morphological characters of the caudal gills and the possible functional adaptation are discussed briefly.

Keywords: Zygoptera, China, larval characters, functional adaptation, dragonfly

Issue section: Article