Flying activity and population dynamics of Cordulegaster heros Theischinger, 1979 (Insecta: Odonata: Cordulegastridae) in Slovakia

Flying activity and population dynamics of Cordulegaster heros Theischinger, 1979 (Insecta: Odonata: Cordulegastridae) in Slovakia 00

Attila Balázsa ✉️ , Zdeněk F. Fricb, Otakar Holušac

  1. Department of Zoology, Fisheries, Hydrobiology and Apiculture, Faculty of AgriSciences, Mendel University in Brno, Brno, Czech Republic
  2. Biology Centre CAS, Institute of Entomology, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
  3. Department of Forest Protection and Wildlife Management, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Mendel University in Brno, Brno, Czech Republic

International Journal of Odonatology, Volume 23, Issue 2, Pages 155-163, 2020

Published: 2 April 220 (Received: 30 August 2019, Accepted: 3 March 2020)

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In 2017, we investigated the population dynamics and flying activity of the south-east European endemic dragonfly species Cordulegaster heros Theischinger, 1979. This research was conducted in the southern part of Central Slovakia in the Revúcka vrchovina Upland at a submountainous stream called Drienok. The mark-release-recapture method was applied to study the population. Cordulegaster heros was observed 775 times during the midsummer season. We found out that the species has bimodal diurnal activity pattern with a highest peak from 17:00 until 19:00 hours, but the species had a short peak before noon as well. The differences between sexes in the sense of entering new individuals to the population were low during the main flying period. Estimated population size for males surpassed the population size of females. Probability of capture decreased by the end of the flying season without differences in sexes. This article is the first on the flying activity and population dynamics of Cordulegaster heros.

Keywords: dragonfly, Anisoptera, Revúcka vrchovina Upland, mark-release-recapture, Carpathian streams

Issue section: Article