Signalling with clear wings during territorial behaviour and courtship of Chlorocypha cancellata (Odonata, Chlorocyphidae)
Signalling with clear wings during territorial behaviour and courtship of Chlorocypha cancellata (Odonata, Chlorocyphidae) 00
André Günthera ✉️
- Naturschutzinstitut Freiberg, Freiberg, Germany
International Journal of Odonatology, Volume 18, Issue 1, Pages 45-54, 2015
Published: 2 January 2015 (Received: 12 October 2014, Accepted: 20 January 2015)
The reproductive behaviour of the damselfly Chlorocypha cancellata (Chlorocyphidae) was filmed at 600 frames per second. Different flight styles including straight, forward flight, threat and courtship display were analysed with respect to changes in wing beat frequency and phase relationships of fore and hind wings. The analysis revealed significant differences in the flight style between non-escalated and escalated threat display as well as changes in the wing beat frequency of a male during courtship dependant on the behaviour of the female. This is the first evidence suggesting that odonate species with clear wings can use specialized flight modes for intraspecific signalling.
Keywords: Chlorocypha canellata, reproductive behaviour, courtship display, threat display, wingbeat frequency, signalling
Issue section: Article
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