An update on the distribution of threatened odonate species from the Greater Antilles


The Antilles harbour several island endemic odonate species, including some palaeoendemics, within a relatively small and anthropized area. Such attributes give this archipelago a special significance for the conservation of Odonata in the Neotropics. However, despite the importance of these islands, inadequately surveyed regions persist, mainly in the Greater Antilles, and there is not enough information to set IUCN threat categories for eight species supposed to be at risk, which are currently classified as data deficient (DD). To update the distribution of endangered (EN), vulnerable (VU) and DD species, we conducted a series of field surveys in Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Cuba, and compiled data from literature, museum collections as well as personal communications. We sampled a total of 37 species, including Microneura caligata, Phylolestes ethelae and Hypolestes clara (EN); H. trinitatis (VU); and Diceratobasis macrogaster, Neoneura maria and Protoneura capillaris (DD). We provide new locality records for M. caligata, N. carnatica (DD), N. maria (DD), P. capillaris, H. clara, H. trinitatis and Erythrodiplax bromeliicola (DD). According to our results, we suggest changing the category of D. macrogaster, D. melanogaster, N. carnatica, N. maria and P. capillaris to VU.

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