Editorial Board (2007–2009)
Editorial Board (2007–2009) 00
International Journal of Odonatology, Volume 11, Issue 1, Page ebi, 2008
Published: 1 April 2008
Issue section: Editorial
Also in this issue
Neocordulia caudacuta sp. nov. from the Coastal Cordillera, Venezuela (Odonata: Corduliidae)
Noguchiphaea mattii sp. nov. from southern Vietnam (Odonata: Calopterygidae)
Libellago orri sp. nov. from northern Borneo (Odonata: Chlorocyphidae)
Wings of Coenagrion puella vary in shape at the northern range margin (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)
European Odonata as hosts of Forcipomyia paludis (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)